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There are 6 comments on Reasons to be Optimistic About 2024 (Seriously)


    Mental Health’s Stigma

    We can, if we choose, continue to support those taught and teaching there is a stigma to mental health issues, as we can. if we choose, decline to do so.


    “I hate the word stigma. Because what we’re really talking about is guilt(ing), sham(ing), ignorance, and prejudice,” said Dr. Mark Hyman Rapaport, chief executive officer of the Huntsman Mental Health Institute with the University of Utah. (edits mine)

    Harold A Maio, retired mental health editor

  2. Kudos to the writers for trying to find the upside to all those topics, although it’s understandable to be skeptical. Public education being “on peoples’ radar,” for example, isn’t quite the reason for optimism. LGBTQ+ rights and lessening the stigma around mental health issues, however, are clear areas where things ARE looking up.

    The T, sadly, hasn’t been something to be optimistic about in…well…ever.

    1. I can wholeheartedly say that the T has become my sworn enemy over the last two years. It started out as a great service that was consistent, but has become substantially worse as I’ve lived here. Red line catching fire, Green line shutting down for weeks or even months, shuttle bus services being slow and overcrowded, buses not showing up for 45 minutes at a time…. I can keep going. I seriously haven’t observed a single benefit from all these closures.

      1. The joys of living in a city as old as Boston. The roads are hideous. Traffic sucks; Drivers suck more. It’s cold, and dark, and gloomy. It’s expensive to live here. The taxes are high. But I wouldn’t live anywhere else (except in February).

        That said: does the T have to be SO bad?

  3. Thank you for the uplifting read. It was a very nice way to start my week, and I very healthy counter-balance to most of the news I am used to reading in my daily inbox. We must continue to focus on, and invest in, the young talent and great minds who are bringing us solutions for the complex challenges we face. I am proud of BU’s commitment to growing the knowledge and educating the leaders of tomorrow who will help us tackle these great global and societal challenges. It gives me hope for the future.

  4. I see no reason to be optimistic about climate change. Yes, we have gathered en masse and worked hard as activists & have the means to deal with it if they are implemented. But what it always comes down to is POLITICAL WILL. And history has shown us that people in power – who get the money to stay in power from the most destructive entities we have – will not be swayed by even the most massive protests, and will never act until the destruction has gone way too far. And in this case, acting by then will be too late. Obviously we won’t go extinct from this, but the planet will become less inhabitable every year for the rest of my life and beyond, and I see no precedent for positive change before total disaster.

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