Feedback: Readers Weigh In on Boston’s New Police Commissioner, Alum Michael Cox, and BU’s Research and Discovery
Feedback: Readers Weigh In on Boston’s New Police Commissioner, Alum Michael Cox, and BU’s Research and Discovery
Congratulations to the New Commissioner
How ironic that Michel Cox moved to Ann Arbor to clean it up, just when I moved there, also from Boston, to marry my childhood sweetheart (“He Was Beaten by Fellow Police Officers Who Mistook Him for a Suspect. Now, He’s Boston’s Top Cop,” Winter–Spring 2023).
I was active early in the civil rights movement and rejoice that Commissioner Cox faced the blue wall and won. Perhaps he could put on his list replacing “To serve and protect,” which quietly vanished from police vehicles all over America. The picture of him being sworn in by a Chinese mayor, surrounded by multiracial witnesses, is my kind of picture, cross-draw optional.
Good luck, commissioner. Just as Dudley Square probably hasn’t changed, and I walked it often alone at night, you may need it.
I’m a veteran of 36 months in Germany with the US Army, and proud of it. You’re a veteran of tough times at the old stone police station on Clarendon Ave. I think we’d understand each other.
David Carroll (CAS’73)
Dexter, Mich.
BU “On the Brink of Endless Research and Discovery”
I have been receiving Bostonia since Wheelock merged with BU. After reading each issue, I wanted to contact you to tell you how impressed I am with your publication. You present alumnae/i with so much interesting material, I read from cover to cover. This issue’s story about the brain particularly fascinated me (“Boosting Positive Memories to Fight Negative Ones,” Winter–Spring 2023). Your school is on the brink of endless research and discovery, and I’m grateful that Wheelock is part of your success. I attended Wheelock in the fall of 1963 [but] didn’t complete my education there. Working with young children in preschool and library settings became my career after my disappointing year in Boston. I’m a Maine resident with grandchildren on the rise. I will certainly advocate for BU.
Cynthia Crider Doolittle (Wheelock’67)
Kennebunk, Maine
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