Founder’s Professor Emeritus of Archaeology Professor Emeritus of Art History and Classical Studies
Areas of interest
Prehistoric archaeology of the Aegean; lithic technology
Excavations and Fieldwork
Dr. Wiseman’s primary research interests over the past fifteen years have been in the archaeology of the Roman Provinces, especially involving the relations between Romans and indigenous peoples, and especially in the East; trade and the economy during the Roman Empire; the archaeology of Greek and Roman Religion; town and countryside in classical antiquity; late antiquity in the eastern Mediterranean; and the application of scientific methods and techniques in archaeology.
Representative Publications
Editor, Studies in the Antiquities of Stobi I (Belgrade 1973), II (Belgrade 1975), and (with Blaga Aleksova) III (Skopje, 1983).
The Land of the Ancient Corinthians. Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology, Vol. 50 , Goteborg (1978).
Corinth and Rome I: 228 B.C. – 267 A.D., Aufstieg und Niedergang der Romischen Welt II.7.1, H. Temporini and W. Haase, eds., Walter de Gruyter: Berlin and New York, pp. 438-548 (1979).
Remote Sensing in Archaeology: Potential for the Future Report on a Conference, March 1-2, 1984 , Earth Resources Laboratory, NSTL, Mississippi (with T. L. Sever, 1985).
Archaeology Today: From the Classroom to the Field and Elsewhere, American Journal of Archaeology 93:437-444 (1989).