Adjunct Associate Professor, Resident Co-Director of Menorca Archaeological Field School, Director of Boston University in Spain
Areas of Interest
archaeology of Spain; dissemination of research; cultural heritage management
Excavations and Fieldwork
Dr. Perez-Juez is currently working on a major research project, along with other Boston University Faculty members and graduate students, at the mediterranean site of Torre d’en Galmes, Menorca. This complements her previous research project near the city of Madrid: the excavation of the Late-Iron Age site of Cerro de la Gavia. The excavation of these major settlements shed light on the daily life of the inhabitants of Iberia until and during the Roman conquest. Trade, exchange, acculturation, resistance and other topics regarding the encounter of the two cultures are topics covered by this research (as well as the more traditional ones of architecture, agricultures, etc.)
Representative Publications
2020 Arqueología de la Guerra Civil Española. La Historia no escrite
Edited volume about Spanish Civil War and Dictatorship
BAR Publishing International Series. IS BN: 9781407316956 . BAR number: S2965
2020 Manurqa: Islamic Medieval Archaeology in the Balearic Island of Menorca, Spain. Is (In it condemned to damnat io memoriae ??” in Archaeology, Politics and Islamicate Cultural Heritage in Europe, edited by Chloe Duckworth and David Govantes Edwards. Monographs in Islamic Archaeology. Equinox Publishing Ltd
2019 “¿La historia la hacen solo los hombres? La interpretación sesgada del registro”.
In Mujeres en la Guerra Civil y la Posguerra. Memoria y Educación” Educación”. Edited by Alicia Torija and Jorge Morín de Pablos. AUDEMA, Madrid. IS BN: 978 84 16450 49 7. 15 26
2019 “Teaching heritage in the field: an example from Menorca, Spain”
With Ricardo Elia and Meredith Langlitz. In Pedagogy and Practice in Heritage Studies . Bender, S.J. and Messenge r, P.M. (editors). Book chapter 94 111
2018 Engineers Abroad: Opportunities for Sophomores in International Education”
With Solomon R. Eisenberg. In Inclusive Excellence in Education Abroad:
A Handbook of Theory and Practice. Barclay Hamir, H. Gocik, N. (editors). Stylus Publishing. Book chapter
2017 “Historia de una leyenda: El USS Constitution y su relación con Menorca ” in Farragut y Menorca. El Legado Español en la US Navy . With Ricardo J. Elia. In English and Spanish. Edited by the Spanish Secretary of Defense and The L egacy Foundation. Book chapter, 201 226
2017 “ La excavación de Casas de Murcia. Quince años después. ¿Por qué excavar? With J. Morín, 27 34, and Valoración Final y Perspectivas de Futuro” i n Paisajes de la Guerray la P ostguerra . Espacios amenazados . Torija, A. y Morín, J. (eds.). Audema, Madrid. Book chapter s, 27 36 and 329 338 .