Professor Emeritus of Archaeology
Areas of Interest
South Asian Archaeology; Indus Valley Archaeology; International Heritage Management
Excavations and Fieldwork
Director of thirty field research projects involving excavations and surveys in Pakistan; three in Bahrain (Gulf); two in Bangladesh; and five international collaborative works (total 40). The sites investigated covered a long time-line from the Indus/Harappan Civilization to the Islamic period. As Director of Archaeology of northern half of Pakistan for ten years, initiated and supervised restoration and conservation of more than thirty monuments and excavated remains of the Islamic, Buddhist and Protohistoric periods.
Recent Publications
The Dilmun Burial Complex at Sar: 1980-82 Excavations in Bahrain. Ministry of Information, Directorate of Archaeology and Museums, State of Bahrain (1983).
Ancient Cholistan: Archaeology and Architecture. Lahore: Ferozsons (Pvt.), Ltd. (1997).
The Indus Valley: 3000-1500 BC In, Dani, A. H. and Mohan, J. -P. (eds.), History of Humanity: Scientific and Cultural Development. Vol.II, Paris and London: UNESCO and Routledge: 246 – 265 (with B. K. Thapar 1996).
A Preliminary Review of Archaeological Surveys in Punjab and Sindh: 1993-95, South Asian Studies (London), 13: 275 – 284 (1997).
The Archaeology of Sindh (since 1930): An Updated Supplement to the Antiquities of Sind. Third Edition. Karachi: Department of Culture and Tourism, Government of Sindh: 153-208 (1998).