Associate Professor, Director of Graduate Studies Sociocultural Anthropology: Europe, Religion, Race, Personhood… Professor Sociocultural Anthropology: Afghanistan, Nomadic peoples, Historical Anthropology… Assistant Professor Anthropological Archaeology: Diné (Navajo), Southwestern Cultural Exchange, Spanish Colonialism… Professor, on leave 2024-25 Anthropological Archaeology: Mesoamerica, Households, Ritual, Political Evolution… Assistant Professor Anthropological Archaeology; African Diaspora, Migration History; Non-Invasive Bio-Archaeology… Associate Professor, on leave 2024-25 Sociocultural Anthropology: Africa, Political Ecology, Agrarian Societies, Knowledge Systems… Visiting Assistant Professor Biological Anthropology Assistant Professor Biological Anthropology: Sensory Ecology, Olfaction, Primate Evolution, Genomics, Bioinformatics… Assistant Professor, on leave spring 2025 Biological Anthropology: Ethiopia, Human Evolution, Warfare, Small-scale Societies, Complex Social Behavior… Visiting Assistant Professor Biological Anthropology Professor, Director of the Center for the Study of Asia (BUSCA) Sociocultural Anthropology: Southeast Asia, Ethics & Morality, Islam, Political Anthropology… Associate Professor, Associate Chair Biological Anthropology: Sex-typical Trait Plasticity, Evolutionary Sex/Gender Differences… Professor, Interim Chair 2024-25 Biological Anthropology: Borneo, Orangutan Biology, Reproductive Physiology, Conservation… Professor, Director of Archaeology Program, on leave 2024-25 Anthropological Archaeology: Mediterranean, Near East, Central Asia, Environment, Sustainability, Agriculture… Professor Sociocultural Anthropology: West Africa, Linguistics, Islam, Ajami Literary Traditions… Associate Professor; Center on Forced Displacement, Affiliate Faculty; on leave fall 2024 Sociocultural Anthropology: Turkey, Political Anthropology, Migration & Citizenship, Emotion, Morality… Professor Anthropological Archaeology, Prehistoric Greece, Hominin dispersals, Lithic technology, Archaeological history… Associate Professor Biological Anthropology: Developmental Variation in Primates, Behavioral Ecology, Physiology… Assistant Professor Professor Sociocultural Anthropology: Africa, Kinship, Economic & Symbolic Anthropology, Development… Associate Professor, Director of Undergraduate Studies Sociocultural Anthropology: Vietnam, Israel, Medical & Psychological Anthropology, Ethics & Morality… Professor, Chair, on leave 2024-25 Sociocultural Anthropology: Southeast Asia, Linguistics, Gender & Sexuality, Youth… Professor Sociocultural Anthropology: China, Taiwan;, Religion & Ritual, Environment, Political change… Research Associate Professor Archaeology: Arctic, Zooarchaeology, Environment, Stable Isotope Analysis…
Kimberly Arkin
Thomas Barfield
Wade Campbell
David Carballo
Andreana Cunningham
Joanna Davidson
Benjamin Finkel
Eva Garrett
Luke Glowacki
Faye Harwell
Robert Hefner
Carolyn Hodges-Simeon
Cheryl Knott
John M. Marston
Fallou Ngom
Ayşe Parla
Curtis Runnels
Christopher Schmitt
Steven Schwartz
Parker Shipton
Merav Shohet
Nancy J. Smith-Hefner
Robert P. Weller
Catherine West