Applied Business Analytics
Leveraging different forms of analytical techniques to achieve desired business outcomes through actionable insight, performance management, and value management.

Enterprise Risk Management
Mitigating the impacts of economic, technical, and social uncertainties in a world fraught with global pandemics, elaborate supply chains, and shifting economic priorities.

Financial Management
Using state-of-the-art developments in modern finance to improve performance and competitiveness of a wide variety of organizations by applying financial technology and innovative data analysis.

Global Marketing Management
Transforming global marketing focusing on two key trends, globalization and digitalization, through web-enabled platforms, international economics and trade, geopolitics, and culture.

Insurance Management
Providing CPCU holders with critical business skills encompassing business analytics, enterprise risk analytics and management, project management, decision-making, finance, and innovation.

Project Management
Getting work done through others with cutting-edge leadership. Motivating and guiding diverse teams through challenging and unique endeavors to provide lasting benefits and value.

Supply Chain Management
Developing more responsive, resilient, and sustainable supply chains to oversee procurement, transportation of goods, inventory planning, warehouse management, and flow of information.
Additional Programs to Explore

Administrative Studies
Pursuing a multidisciplinary approach to innovation and technology with industry-specific study on innovation, entrepreneurship, global markets, leadership, and communication skills.

Undergraduate Management Studies
Accelerating your degree completion with a broad understanding of the concepts and applications of management in our global environment.