Educational Leadership & Policy Studies
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WED AP 500: Directed Study
Undergraduate Prerequisites: Open to undergraduate students only. approval of advisor, the faculty member who is to supervise the study, and department chairman. - Prereq: Approval of advisor. Signed plan of study must be submitted in advance of registration on a Directed study form obtained from the SED Office of Records. Var cr. -
WED AP 526: Family & Community Engagement
Examines the role of schools, families and community agencies and the critical partnerships that must be forged between them to support student learning and well- being.? The primary goal of this seminar is to deepen understanding of the systemic obstacles -- and possibilities - - to improve our school systems and narrow achievement gaps. 2 cr. -
WED AP 599: Addressing the Achievement Gap: Leading and Learning with New Technologies
This course examines policies and principles to offer innovative leadership solutions to better serving students considered ?at risk for failure?. It presents comprehensive educational reform models for diverse populations in educational settings focusing on better assessment and instruction for immigrant and minority populations in the US and internationally. Emphasis is placed on leading and learning using new technologies as a tool to offer multiple entry points to access the general curriculum K-12. 4cr, either sem. -
WED AP 600: Diversity and Justice in Education
How schools, colleges, and other education settings are affected by the growing pluralism of our society; the tension between respect for diversity and the maintenance of common purpose. Strategies of integration and separate development and of remediation and enrichment. 4 cr. -
WED AP 601: History and Foundations of Higher Education
Provides a foundational understanding of the history of U.S. higher education, while fostering substantive dialogue and analysis of significant perspectives, events, and trends relevant to higher education today. Focuses on the interplay between the goals of the university and the demands placed on higher education by society. 4 cr. -
WED AP 609: Analyzing the Role of Education Policy in Social Inequality
WED AP 612: Governance and Decision-Making in Higher Education
Colleges and universities are large, complex, and oftentimes perplexing organizations. Through this course, students will examine the roles and responsibilities of trustees, presidents, administrators, faculty, and students in governance and decision-making; explore how decisions are made in a variety of functional areas (how they work): and, appreciate how institutional culture, organizational structures, and external factors influence decision-making 4cr. -
WED AP 615: Theories of Student Learning & Development in Higher Education
Examines theories of students' personal and social development in college as well as emerging research on student learning in college. Students will employ a theory-to- practice approach that uses campus environment theories to cultivate safe, inclusive, and engaging communities of learning. 4 cr. -
WED AP 619: Leadership, Values & Ethics in Higher Education
This course enhances understanding of the theory and practice of higher education leadership, grounded in personal, organizational, and professional values and challenged by ethical dilemmas. It explores multiple leadership theories, methods of values discernment, and tactics of addressing ethical dilemmas in higher education. -
WED AP 620: History of Education
Topics in the history of education. Students prepare a paper on a topic selected in consultation with the instructor. 4 cr. -
WED AP 622: Student Affairs in Higher Education
Focuses on university divisions intentionally structured to shape students' character, to foster students' development, to provide services, and to educate students via various co-curricular and extra-curricular experiences. Is designed to develop a deep understanding of the history, philosophy, and mission of Student Affairs within the context of higher education. 4 cr. -
WED AP 625: Global Higher Education
This course explores the dynamic global landscape of higher education, compares and contrasts differing national models, and delves into how US institutions internationalize their efforts and create professional roles on campuses, both here and abroad, that support global programs and students from other countries. -
WED AP 630: Education and Religion
The relationship of government with schools and colleges based on religious convictions and the efforts of educators to shape and maintain a distinctive character in such institutions. Issues of educational freedom and the rights of parents from historical and comparative international perspectives. Students prepare a paper on a topic selected in consultation with the instructor. (Also offered as STH TE 845) 4 cr. -
WED AP 631: Child Policy
The purpose of this course is to examine the public policies that address all children's wellbeing in the context of health, education, and social forces. We will take an inter-disciplinary approach (developmental psychology, economics, sociology, and public health) to focus particularly on the needs and vulnerabilities of economically disadvantaged and/or racially or ethnically marginalized children. We will discuss the arguments for policy intervention (both domestic and global) during childhood (ages 0- 12), and we will focus on 4-5 specific policy topics in depth. -
WED AP 632: Child & Youth Advocacy
The purpose of this course is to provide hands-on experience with policymaking through networking with community stakeholders, non-profits, and policymakers about child and youth policy issues. The course takes an inter-disciplinary approach (developmental psychology, education, economics, sociology, and public health) to focus on the needs and vulnerabilities of children and youth in society, particularly those who are economically disadvantaged or racially minoritized. The course will examine policies affecting children and youth in the realm of early childhood education, K-12, health, juvenile justice, and special education through readings, interviews with key stakeholders, field outings, and class discussion. -
WED AP 635: Public Policy for Researchers
The purpose of this course is to expose students to the basics of the public policy field in order to be able to conduct research, advocate for issues, and develop careers in policy-related fields. -
WED AP 640: Educational Freedom: U.S. and International Issues
Undergraduate Prerequisites: Intended for graduate students; open to seniors by permission of the a dvisor and the instructor. - Guarantees and limitations of educational freedom in selected countries, focusing upon (1) establishment and management of independent institutions in relation to government supervision; (2) choice of schools by parents and of colleges by students; and (3) academic freedom of teachers and students. (Intended for graduate students; open to seniors by permission of the advisor and the instructor.) -
WED AP 641: Equity and Community Partnerships
This course outlines a framework and developmental theory of equity; uses rubrics and assessments to support individual and organizational development; introduces tools and strategy formulation; and, mobilizes community assets to build strategic plans for current challenges faced by community leaders. -
WED AP 652: Accountability in Independent, Charter, and International Schools
Methods and resources for student and staff accountability in free-standing schools. How assessment programs like the International Baccalaureate and Advanced Placement tests affect curriculum and school life. Leadership strategies for promoting a shared sense of mission in schools with diverse enrollment and administrative autonomy. -
WED AP 660: Economics of Education Policy
This course introduces students to how economists think about education and education policy. We first introduce methods to estimate policy impacts, then read evidence on a variety of pressing education policy issues.