Mathematics Education
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WED ME 200: Introduction to Mathematics Education
The course will provide students with an introduction to the field of K-12 mathematics education, focusing on current issues such as standards, curriculum, diversity, student achievement, parental involvement, instructional methods, and the nature of learning mathematics with understanding. Effective Fall 2018, this course fulfills a single unit in the following BU Hub area: The Individual in Community. -
WED ME 201: Methods for Tutoring Math Students
This course examines the teaching and learning of humanities in urban schooling. Considers how issues of race, gender, class, language, and culture affect the nature of literacy learning in schools. Includes field experience working with adolescent students. 2 cr. -
WED ME 360: Mathematics for Teaching: Algebra
Designed to (re)consider how algebraic instructional materials enable students to access and attend to mathematics in different ways. Topics include variables, functions, manipulatives, and other algebraic concepts in teaching. 4cr. Either sem. -
WED ME 363: Problem Solving in Mathematics
Undergraduate Prerequisites: Successful completion of the ED 100 Mathematics Competency Examination . - Engages in collaborative problem solving and problem posing while exploring the role of productive struggle in the teaching and learning of mathematics. Effective Spring 2019, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Oral and/or Signed Communication, Quantitative Reasoning I, Critical Thinking. 4cr. Either sem. -
WED ME 501: Methods for Tutoring Math Students
Explores the mathematics tutoring profession and the methodologies that make for an effective grade 3-12 or undergraduate mathematics tutor. Students will gain field experience and have an option of becoming a Massachusetts Certified Tutor. 2cr. Effective Fall 2024, this course fulfills a single unit in the following BU HUB area: Digital/Multimedia Expression. -
WED ME 503: Mathematical Reasoning in the Elementary Grades: Number Systems
Designed for students who are preparing to become K-6 teachers. Students re- envision the teaching and learning of elementary mathematics by exploring these topics: place value, whole numbers and operations, fractions, decimals, and elementary number theory. 4 cr. Either sem. -
WED ME 504: Mathematical Reasoning in the Elementary Grades: Algebra, Geometry, & Statistics
Graduate Prerequisites: (SEDME503) - Designed for students majoring in elementary education, special education, and deaf education preparing to teach children in grades 1-6. Students explore: pre- algebra, proportional reasoning, geometry, measurement, and statistics. Students also examine their own mathematical identity and connect these ideas to the elementary classroom. 4 cr. Either sem. -
WED ME 506: Pre-Practicum in Mathematics Education
Undergraduate Prerequisites: (SEDME508) - Graduate Prerequisites: Open only to matriculated graduate students who have completed prerequ isites. - Course consists of observation of a secondary teacher that includes questioning, data collecting, and debriefing. Students create and implement lessons in their placement focusing on co-teaching, small group, and whole class lessons. Students reflect on observations and lessons in seminar. -
WED ME 507: Student-Teaching Practicum: Mathematics, 5-8
Graduate Prerequisites: Open only to matriculated graduate students who have completed prerequ isites. - Student teaching: a full-time experience in a selected school under joint supervision of a mentor supervising practitioner and a university program supervisor. Fldwk w/ seminar. Meets minimum required hours by DESE. 8 cr. -
WED ME 508: Student-Teaching Practicum: Mathematics, 8-12
Graduate Prerequisites: Open only to matriculated graduate students who have completed prerequ isites. - Student teaching: a full-time experience in a selected school under joint supervision of a mentor supervising practitioner and a university program supervisor. Fldwk w/ seminar. Meets minimum required hours by DESE. 8 cr. -
WED ME 525: Assessment in Mathematics
Course introduces the theory and practice of assessment in mathematics and prepares teachers to apply research-supported assessment techniques in their classrooms. Students will also discuss equity-related issues of assessment practices, including biases, assumptions, and providing opportunities to demonstrate mathematical understanding. 2 cr. Either sem. -
WED ME 530: Equitable Pedagogies in STEM Education
Interrogates how race, class, language, and culture affect students' opportunities to learn mathematics and science. Different pedagogies (e.g. culturally responsive teaching, teaching for social justice) that target these opportunity gaps are introduced, discussed, and debated. 2 cr. Either sem. -
WED ME 544: Early Childhood Mathematics, Pre-K-Grade 2
Supports teachers seeking initial licensure to learn to cultivate equitable mathematics learning environments that enable children in grades PreK-2 to develop deep understanding of key mathematical ideas, fluency with mathematical procedures, and productive mathematics identities. 4cr. Either sem. -
WED ME 545: Methods of Teaching Mathematics: Elementary
Undergraduate Prerequisites: (SEDME503 OR CASMA107) - Supports teachers seeking initial licensure to learn to cultivate equitable mathematics learning environments that enable students in grades 1-6 to develop deep, conceptual understanding of key mathematical ideas, fluency with mathematical procedures, and productive mathematics identities. 4 cr. Either sem. -
WED ME 546: Methods of Teaching Mathematics: Middle School
Supports teachers seeking initial licensure to learn to cultivate equitable mathematics learning environments in ways that enable students in grades 5-8 to develop deep, conceptual understanding of key ideas, fluency with mathematical procedures, and productive mathematics identities. Variable credit. Either sem. -
WED ME 547: Methods of Teaching Mathematics: High School
Supports teachers seeking initial licensure to learn to cultivate equitable mathematics learning environments that enable students in grades 8-12 to develop deep, conceptual understanding of key ideas, fluency with mathematical procedures, and productive mathematics identities. Variable credit. Either sem. -
WED ME 551: Mathematics for Special Needs Students
Examines programs for mathematics students with special needs in grades K-12, focusing on gifted students, students with learning disabilities, and their intersection. Topics include diagnostic techniques, alternative curricula, appropriate instructional strategies, and classroom organization techniques. 4cr. -
WED ME 558: Mathematics Curriculum: Program Issues, Trends
Examines how mathematics curriculum communicates and influences the nature of mathematics found in classrooms. Analyzes the historical and political dimensions of curriculum, and how curriculum has been impacted by, and impacts, beliefs about who should be successful in mathematics. 4 cr. 1st sem. -
WED ME 559: Mathematics for Teaching: Geometry
Revisits geometry from an advanced perspective, preparing teachers to teach geometry with understanding. Topics such as transformations, proof, Euclidean, and non-Euclidean geometries, manipulative materials, technology, standards, and curriculum in the teaching and learning of geometry. 4 cr. -
WED ME 560: Mathematics for Teaching: Algebra
Designed to support participants (re)consider how algebraic instructional materials enable students to access and attend to mathematics in different ways. Topics include variables, patterns, functions, linear algebra, manipulatives, technology, standards, and curriculum in the teaching and learning of algebra. 4cr. Either sem.