Certificate in Faith & Ecological Justice

The Certificate in Faith & Ecological Justice signifies a student’s concentrated development of research and/or practical competencies in ecotheology, environmental ethics, and ecologically informed spirituality and practices. The goal of the certificate is to prepare students for meaningful and effective work in faith-based environmental initiatives and to explore the rich depth of religious resources for such work. Courses in theology and ethics introduce students to the ways that religious traditions have portrayed human relations to the natural world as well as how they have responded to environmental challenges. Travel seminars and colloquia offer students training in ecologically informed spiritual practices and activism. Successful completion of the program consists of passing three approved courses in the subject area and completing three 1-unit colloquia. The certificate can be earned in conjunction with degree program requirements or as a stand-alone certificate. If a student wants to substitute other courses including those from one of the other schools in the Boston Theological Institute, they will need to consult with Dr. Rebecca Copeland, Assistant Professor of Theology, and receive approval by petition to the academic dean. Students wanting more information about the Faith & Ecological Certificate or the value of such certification may contact Dr. Copeland at rlcopel@bu.edu.

Requirements (at least one course must be taken from each area)

  1. Select at least two of the following courses:
  • STH TC 815 Acadia Travel Seminar
  • STH TC 872 Animals, Theology, and Healing
  • STH TN 8XX Ecological Hermeneutics
  • STH TS 842 Watershed Discipleship: Boston as Place
  • STH TS 865 Christianity and Climate Change
  • STH TS 881 Introduction to Environmental Justice
  • STH TT 805 Process-Relational Theology
  • STH TT 843 Christian Theology & the Environment
  • Practicum or Contextual Education placement (STH TC 801/802) focusing on Environmental Justice or Sustainability
  • Other courses may be approved by the faculty based on BTI and STH offerings, and can also be approved by petition to the academic dean.
  1. Select one additional course from the above, or from a University or BTI (Boston Theological Institute) course on ecology or sustainability. Additionally, students may fulfill this requirement through another BTI or STH course in which the focus of their major research is on environmental justice or sustainability. To fulfill this requirement through such a course, students will need to file a petition with approval from both the course instructor and the certificate committee.
  2. Completion of three “Faith and Ecological Justice” colloquia (1 unit/term): Each term, the colloquia involve 12 sessions of alternating participation in ecological justice events and participation in reflective discussion of ecological justice issues posed by the activities.
  • STH TT 847 Introduction to Ecological Justice
  • STH TT 848 Engaging Ecological Justice
  • STH TT 850 Performing Ecological Justice