Academic Standing
School of Hospitality Administration Policy
In order to remain in good academic standing, you must maintain a cumulative GPA and GPI of 2.0. If your GPA or GPI falls below a 2.0, you will be placed on academic probation and may also lose any financial assistance you are receiving. Your GPA and GPI must return to at least a 2.0 within a specified amount of time or you risk suspension or possible dismissal.
Students are encouraged to review Boston University’s Academic Standing for Undergraduate Students in Full-Time Programs policy.
SHA’s Master of Management in Hospitality (MMH) is a one-year, full-time academic program. MMH students must earn a grade of C (2.3 GPA) or higher in order to pass a course and count the course toward graduation. To graduate, a student’s MMH cumulative GPA must be 3.0 or higher.
MMH instructors will conduct mid-term reviews of student work in each term, to assess academic status and ability to complete courses with a satisfactory grade. Should it be determined that the student is on a path for a grade below a C, the student will be placed into a period of “Academic Probation” for the remainder of the term.
Should a student complete the second half of the term’s coursework with a grade of C or higher, the student is on path to earn the MMH. Should the student’s coursework continue on path to earn a C–, D, or F, the student will complete the coursework but not fulfill the requirement for graduation and may face Academic Dismissal.
Academic Dismissals will be reviewed and determined by the Director of Academic Programs and the MMH Faculty Chair. Students may appeal to the Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs or Dean of SHA.