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MET CH 102: General Chemistry II
Undergraduate Prerequisites: (METCH101) or equivalent. - For science concentrators, premedical students, and students in related fields. Covers thermodynamics, atomic structure and bonding, electrochemistry, chemical kinetics, and selected chemical systems. Laboratory course. Three hours lecture, one hour discussion, three hours lab, and one hour postlab discussion per week. This course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Scientific Inquiry I, Quantitative Reasoning I. -
MET CH 171: Principles of General Chemistry
Introduction to chemistry: separation and purification of matter, atomic theory, structure of atoms, molecules and chemical bonding, chemical formulas, equations, stoichiometry; water, solutions, concentration, acids, bases, pH and buffers; gases; reaction kinetics and equilibrium, and radioactivity. Three hours lecture, one hour discussion, one hour prelab lecture, and three hours lab. Effective Fall 2019, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Scientific Inquiry I, Quantitative Reasoning I. -
MET CH 172: Principles of Organic and Biochemistry
Undergraduate Prerequisites: (METCH171 OR (METCH101 & METCH102)) - Introduction to organic and biochemistry: Classes of organic compounds and biomolecules; nomenclature, physical properties and reactions of organic molecules; techniques for synthesizing, isolating and characterizing molecules; structure, reactivity and properties of carbohydrates, lipids and amino acids; structure and function of proteins, nucleic acids and membranes; and the biochemical pathways associated with sugar and lipid metabolism. Three hours lecture, one hour discussion, one hour pre-lab lecture, and three hours lab. Carries natural science divisional credit (with lab) in CAS. Effective Fall 2019, this course fulfills a single unit in the following BU Hub area: Scientific Inquiry II. -
MET CH 203: Organic Chemistry I
Undergraduate Prerequisites: (METCH102) or equivalent. - Fundamentals of contemporary organic chemistry, including skeletal and electronic structure, stereochemistry, and reactions of important functional groups. Applications of organic reactions to important synthetic targets in materials and drug discovery will be highlighted, as will reactions pertinent to biochemistry. Laboratory includes training in basic organic chemistry skills, such as extraction, reaction performance, spectroscopy interpretation and chromatography. Effective Fall 2019, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Scientific Inquiry I, Quantitative Reasoning I. -
MET CH 204: Organic Chemistry II
Undergraduate Prerequisites: (METCH102) or equivalent. - Structure and reactivity of organic compounds. Synthesis, reaction mechanisms, bonding, stereochemistry, laboratory methods. Coverage of the families of organic compounds, including molecules of biological interest. Laboratory course. Effective Spring 2020, this course fulfills a single unit in the following BU Hub area: Scientific Inquiry I, Quantitative Reasoning I. -
MET CH 351: Physical Chemistry I
Undergraduate Prerequisites: ( (METCH102 OR CASCH102) & (CASCH108 OR CASCH110 OR CASCH112) & M ETPY211 & METMA124) ; Undergraduate Corequisites: (METPY212 & METMA225) - Quantum Theory, atomic and molecular structure, molecular spectroscopy, statistical mechanics, solid state chemistry. Three hours lecture, one hour discussion. -
MET CH 352: Physical Chemistry II
Undergraduate Prerequisites: ( (METCH102 OR CASCH102) & (CASCH108 OR CASCH110 OR CASCH112) & M ETPY211 & METMA124) ; Undergraduate Corequisites: (METPY212 & METMA225) - Introduction to thermodynamics, and chemical kinetics. Applications include electrochemistry, phase transitions, catalysts, aqueous solutions and polymers. Three hours lecture, one hour discussion. -
MET CH 373: Principles of Biochemistry
Undergraduate Prerequisites: BI 105 or BI 108; and CH 204 or CH 174; or equivalent. - Introductory biochemistry focusing on structure/function with applications to medicine, nutrition, and biotechnology, including acid/base chemistry, protein structure, enzyme mechanisms, thermodynamics, and kinetics; nucleic acid structure/function, lipids and carbohydrates; bioenergetics of glycolysis and oxidative energy metabolism; lipid and nitrogen metabolism. Three hours lecture, one hour discussion. -
MET CH 421: Biochemistry I
Undergraduate Prerequisites: (CASCH204 OR CASCH212 OR CASCH214) or equivalent. - Introductory biochemistry. Protein structure and folding, enzyme mechanisms, kinetics, and allostery; nucleic acid structure; macromolecular biosynthesis with emphasis on specificity and fidelity; lipids and membrane structure; vitamins and coenzymes; introduction to intermediary metabolism. Three hours lecture, one hour discussion, four hours lab. Effective Spring 2024, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Quantitative Reasoning II, Critical Thinking, Teamwork/Collaboration. -
MET CJ 101: Principles of Criminal Justice
This course provides a comprehensive overview of the criminal justice system (law enforcement, the courts, and corrections) while developing students' critical thinking skills. In addition to class lectures, the course provides multiple venues for learning, to include group activities, guest lectures, a prison tour, and carefully selected films that highlight some of the most contentious issues in criminal justice today. -
MET CJ 209: Crime and Delinquency
Analysis of criminal and delinquent behavior. Evaluation of current theories and research into causes and sociological implications of these behavior patterns. Examination of criminal justice systems, including police, courts, and corrections. -
MET CJ 251: Police and Society
This course provides a foundation for understanding the implications of policing in the United States. The course examines the historical development of policing in the U.S., the role of police in our society, police organizations and decision-making, policing strategies, as well as issues of authority and accountability. Throughout the course, several contemporary issues and controversies facing the police will be discussed including: police discrimination, police use of force practices, and other special topics. -
MET CJ 271: Corrections: Concepts, Systems, and Issues
This course provides an overview of models of punishment and rehabilitation from the perspectives of the humanities and social sciences, including a review of correctional practices and procedures, institutional treatment, probation, parole, prison conditions, programs for juveniles, and comparative systems. Correction administration topics are covered including personnel, legal, operating practices, overcrowding, and planning. -
MET CJ 300: Applied Social Science Theory
Applied Social Science Theory introduces students to major authors and seminal works that continue to inform theory and research in social sciences. The focus is on reading primary source materials to examine not only the major conclusions of these authors, but the arguments they use to justify those conclusions. Effective Spring 2021, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Social Inquiry II, Critical Thinking, Research and Information Literacy. Students cannot take both METCJ300 and METSO300 for credit. -
MET CJ 305: Violence in the Family
This course will look at American family violence across the life span including child abuse, teen dating violence, wife battering and elder abuse. Physical, emotional and sexual abuse will be examined. We will consider how family violence differs by class and ethnic group and its differential impact on women. Institutional responses to family violence in the legal, medical and social service systems will be included as well as the role played by the women's shelter movement. Ideological supports for family violence in gender expectations, religious teaching and the media will also be studied. -
MET CJ 344: Drugs and Society
Introduction to the sociology of a wide range of legal and illicit drugs. Examines social definitions of drugs and conditions of their use. Considers deviant drug use and effects of social control on definitions and use. -
MET CJ 351: Criminal Law
Theory and practice of criminal law, including sanctions, individual liability, limitations on state action, criminal and victim rights, evidence, defense, deterrence, mandatory sentencing, decriminalization, intent, entrapment, vagueness, and capital punishment. Case studies of recent court decisions. -
MET CJ 352: Courts, Society, and Criminal Procedure
Undergraduate Prerequisites: (METCJ351) or consent of instructor. - Federal, state, and local criminal courts and their relationship to contemporary social and political issues. Historical background of the current criminal court system. Institutional functions of the courts. Role of the courts in reducing crime. Judicial process and criminal procedure, case studies and court decisions. -
MET CJ 491: Directed Study in Criminal Justice
Independent study on special projects under faculty guidance. -
MET CJ 510: Special Topics in Criminal Justice
Graduate Prerequisites: previous criminal justice or related course, or consent of instructor. -Spring 2024 Topic: Violence and Threat Assessment Threat assessment is a systematic strategy for identifying, assessing, and preventing potential violent incidents. Using an interdisciplinary approach combining insights from criminology, law enforcement, psychiatry, and psychology, behavioral threat assessment is designed to provide alternatives to violence before an attack occurs. In this class, students will learn the principles of behavioral threat assessment and explore ongoing developments in the field by reviewing case examples and studies of school shooters, mass murderers, lone actor terrorists, as well as more common offender types such as domestic violence offenders. The course is intended for a wide variety of law enforcement officers, mental health practitioners, school administrators, workplace managers, and public officials who are charged with maintaining community safety.