
  • MET MG 202: Personal Financial Planning
    The development of personal investment strategies using money and credit. Securities and portfolio management, budgeting, insurance, taxes, retirement programs, and estate planning.
  • MET MG 301: Introduction to Management
    A look at the management of an enterprise from the perspective of the chief executive officer. Covers the functions of organizing for successful management. Survey of theories and techniques. Examination of case studies. Effective Fall 2024, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Creativity/Innovation, Quantitative Reasoning II, Teamwork/Collaboration.
    • Creativity/Innovation
    • Quantitative Reasoning II
    • Teamwork/Collaboration
  • MET MG 302: Introduction to American Management for International Students
    Provides an overview of American management, business organizations, and capitalism for the non-American student. An important aspect of this course is the inclusion of assignments designed to promote an understanding of the subject area as well as an improvement in English language and writing skills.
  • MET MG 305: Principles of Marketing
    The organization and operation of marketing functions within individual firms. A look at methods of product determination, channels of distribution, and advertising and sales promotion. Administration of total marketing program. Readings, class discussions, lectures, and case analyses. Effective Fall 2023, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas Quantitative Reasoning II, Teamwork/Collaboration, Creativity/Innovation.
  • MET MG 310: Business Communication
    Organization and techniques for effective verbal and written communication in the business environment. Emphasis on developing communication skills through practical written and oral assignments.
  • MET MG 315: Operations Management
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: METMA120 & METMA213 or equivalent. - Introduction to the operating functions of a firm. Emphasis on problem-solving skills using analytical techniques. Includes production planning and inventory control, quality control, forecasting, capacity planning, and work-study. Viewed from the aspect of management.
  • MET MG 410: Entrepreneurial Management: Starting, Innovating, and Managing Small-, Medium-, and Large-Sized Vent
    Covers the four key elements of successful entrepreneurial management: choosing a business, organizing, financing, and marketing. Includes preparing a business plan, becoming an entrepreneur, raising venture capital, selling, negotiating, and building an effective organization. Topics given special consideration are the practice of innovation, the art of leadership, and how to relate talents to succeeding in an innovative managed venture and technology management.
  • MET MG 411: Marketing Communications
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: MET MG 305 - Examines the tools and techniques of communications used in marketing products, ideas, or services. Focus on analyzing, designing, selecting, and evaluating marketing communication strategies.
  • MET MG 415: Project Management
    An examination of project management concepts, including organizational forms, planning and control techniques, and the role of the project manager. Develops the skills vital to effective management of multidisciplinary tasks through lectures, case studies, and business simulations. Effective Fall 2020, this course fulfills a single unit in the following BU Hub area: Teamwork/Collaboration.
    • Teamwork/Collaboration
  • MET MG 431: International Marketing
    Organization of the marketing function in international business. How government policies and practices affect marketing. Comparative marketing strategies for doing business abroad. Examination of case studies.
  • MET MG 435: Advertising
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: MET MG 305 - The structure and operating procedures of advertising agencies and corporate advertising departments in relation to marketing. Active student participation in learning how advertising strategies and concepts are developed and executed. Includes readings, development of advertising strategies, screenings, and analysis of contemporary advertising.
  • MET MG 448: Electronic Commerce, Systems, and Web Design
    The first course in a two course sequence. This course combines (1) the practical aspect of Web design through the use of application software such as Dreamweaver to construct a commercial Web site with (2) a general overview of the marketing, supporting services, systems, security and business strategy issues facing commercial enterprises.
  • MET MG 460: Senior Project I
    The first course of two for completion of the senior project for the degree completion program.
  • MET MG 472: Financial Concepts
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: (METMG471) - Emphasizes issues of accounting, finance, and economics that are important in most management contexts. Introduction to tools of financial analysis and the problems of financial management including cash, profitability, and capital budgeting. Various sources of corporate funds are considered - short-, intermediate-, and long-term arrangements . Stresses understanding financial statements, planning and control, cost and benefit evaluation, cash flow analysis, and capital budgeting. Effective Fall 2020, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Quantitative Reasoning II, Critical Thinking.
    • Critical Thinking
    • Quantitative Reasoning II
  • MET MG 473: Quantitative and Qualitative Decision Making
    This is a basic level course combining the elements of quantitative and qualitative decision making for business. The course exposes the student to practical quantitative approaches to mathematical decision making as well as a wind variety of qualitative approaches for both the services and product industries. Emphasis is placed on the definition of the problem, analysis of the approaches available to solve the problem, an understanding of the limitations and strengths of these approaches as well as the resources necessary. The course additionally prepares the student with design and presentation skills necessary to organize the communications of stating the problem and its different solution or outcome possibilities when the rational for taking a particular course of action needs to be presented to others or the material is being prepared for others who will make business decisions based on the information.
  • MET MG 503: Business in a Changing Society
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: Advanced standing or consent of instructor - An examination of the management process and the social environment in which organizations operate, including a discussion of the manager's responsibilities to employees, customers, stockholders, and society.
  • MET MG 515: Negotiations and Organizational Conflict Resolution
    Graduate Prerequisites: advanced standing or consent of instructor. - A communications skills course designed to better understand the nature of conflict and its resolution through persuasion, collaboration, and negotiation. Students will learn theories of interpersonal and organizational conflict and its resolution as applied to personal, corporate, historical, and political contexts. Students will assess their own styles, skills, and values, and develop techniques to better resolve disputes, achieve objectives, and exert influence.
  • MET MG 520: International Business Management
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: (METMG301) or consent of instructor. - Environmental, economic, political, and social constraints on doing business abroad. Examines the effects of overseas business investments on domestic and foreign economics; foreign market analysis and operational strategy of a firm; and development potential of international operations.
  • MET MG 522: Consumer Behavior
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: MET MG305 & MET MA213 - A broad view of consumer attitudes, behavior, and decision-making processes. Uses computer and case studies to supplement text readings.
  • MET MG 530: Business Strategy
    Graduate Prerequisites: (METFI302 & METMK301 & METMG301 & METOM301) - Policy problems of business organizations. Integrates the areas of marketing, finance, accounting, economics, and personnel into a managerial concept of business decision making.