Minor in Sociology

Sociology is the study of social life, social relations, social change, and the social causes and consequences of human behavior. The minor in Sociology is designed for students from other disciplines who are interested in learning more about sociology and the theories, concepts, and research methods used by sociologists. Coursework in sociology provides students with critical analytic skills and basic knowledge of social relations and social systems and processes, which will benefit students from all backgrounds in their future studies and beyond.


The minor in Sociology is comprised of six 4-unit sociology courses, as described below. All courses must be taken within the College of Arts & Sciences (CAS), with the exception of transfer-of-units courses, based upon department approval and only as described below. All minors should consult the Undergraduate Program Coordinator for assistance in planning their coursework.

All courses for the minor must be completed with grades of C or higher.

Courses are required as follows:

  • CAS SO 201 Sociological Methods (4 units)
  • CAS SO 203 Introduction to Sociological Theories (4 units)
  • Two additional 4-unit sociology courses at the 200 level or above*
  • Two additional 4-unit sociology courses at the 300 level or above

*Students should note that CAS SO 100 Principles in Sociology may be substituted for one of the two required 200-level courses.

Transferable Units within the University (CGS and Core Curriculum)

Sociology minors admitted to CAS from the College of General Studies (CGS) who have completed CGS SS 101 and SS 102, each with a grade of C or higher, will receive units for completing the introductory sociology course, CAS SO 100 Principles in Sociology.

Students who have completed the two Core Curriculum social science courses (CAS CC 221, previously CC 211, and CC 222) with grades of C or higher will receive units toward the minor for the introductory sociology course, CAS SO 100 Principles in Sociology, if a prerequisite for a required course.

Transferable Units from outside the University

Transfer units will not be given for CAS SO 201, 203, 303, or any seminar (400-level) course, all of which must be taken within the department.