Minor in Marine Science
Through the minor in Marine Science, students acquire theoretical and practical expertise in all areas of marine science, including biological, chemical, geological, and physical. The minor is particularly useful for students pursuing professions where scientific expertise in marine systems is advantageous, such as marine research or education, environmental analysis, international relations, coastal development, aquaculture, or tourism.
- Five 4-unit courses are required for a minor in Marine Science.
The grades in each of these courses must be C or higher to receive units toward the minor. All Marine Science minor students develop their programs in consultation with a Boston University Marine Program advisor.
The five courses can be any of the Marine Science major courses offered by the departments of Biology and Earth & Environment, including those taught as part of the Marine Semester. Directed study or undergraduate research courses are not eligible.
Most Marine Science minors satisfy the course requirements by taking one Marine Breadth course (CAS BI 303, 413, 500, 509, 519, 550, 586, EE 142, 310, 351, 360, 371, 422, 423, 505, 507, 533, AR 518) followed by the Marine Semester—an intellectually and physically challenging sequence of four month-long, research-based courses. During the Marine Semester, students conduct research in a variety of New England locations as well as the Belizean Barrier Reef, working with BU faculty and scientists from the New England Aquarium, NOAA, and the University of Belize.
For more information, contact the BU Marine Program at bump@bu.edu.