Editorial Studies
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- Editorial Studies
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- African American & Black Diaspora Studies
- African Studies: Culture (in English)
- African Studies: East African Languages: Kiswahili (Swahili)
- African Studies: East, West & South African Languages: Amharic, Igbo, Mandinka, isiZulu
- African Studies: South African Languages: isiXhosa
- African Studies: West African Languages: Akan Twi, Wolof
- American Studies
- Anthropology
- Arabic: Language, Literature, Culture (including courses in English)
- Archaeology
- Astronomy
- Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Chinese: Language, Literature, Culture (including courses in English)
- Cinema & Media Studies
- Classical Studies: incl. Classical Civilization and Tradition (in English), Ancient Greek, and Latin
- Classical Studies: Modern Greek
- Comparative Literature
- Computer Science
- Core Curriculum
- Earth & Environment
- Economics
- Editorial Studies
- English
- First Year Experience
- French: Language, Literature, Linguistics, Culture (including courses in English)
- German: Language, Literature, Culture (including courses in English)
- Hebrew: Language, Literature, Culture (including courses in English)
- Hindi-Urdu: Language, Literature, Culture (including courses in English)
- History
- History of Art & Architecture
- Interdisciplinary Studies
- International Relations
- Internships
- Italian: Language, Literature, Culture (including courses in English)
- Japanese: Language, Literature, Culture (including courses in English)
- Jewish Studies
- Korean: Language, Literature, Culture (including courses in English)
- Linguistics
- Literary Translation
- Marine Science
- Mathematics & Statistics
- Natural Sciences
- Neuroscience
- Persian (Farsi): Language, Literature, Culture (including courses in English)
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Political Science
- Portuguese: Language, Literature, Culture (including courses in English)
- Psychological & Brain Sciences
- Religion
- Russian: Language, Literature, Culture (including courses in English)
- SEA Semester
- Senior Year Development
- Sociology
- Spanish: Language, Literature, Culture (including courses in English)
- Turkish: Language, Literature, Culture (including courses in English)
- Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies
- Writing
CAS EI 501: The Theory and Practice of Literary Editing
Undergraduate prerequisites: junior standing or consent of instructor. - An introduction to the theory, practice, and principles of editorial decisions, such as questions of modernization, revision, and annotation. The course features several speakers and attends to notable editorial achievements. -
CAS EI 506: Topics in Textual Scholarship and the History of Western Society
Undergraduate Prerequisites: junior standing or consent of instructor. - Topics vary by semester. Topic for Fall 2023: The State of the Language. -
CAS EI 508: Editing Across the Disciplines
Undergraduate Prerequisites: junior standing and consent of instructor. - An introduction to editing in several arts, media, and disciplines, with the world of publishing in mind. Among the matters to be considered: copyright and intellectual property; plagiarism; sources; translation; annotation; the establishing of a trustworthy text; making mistakes; revision; prejudices; intentions and their relations to understanding (I know what this means but what did the author mean by it?). Within the Spring semester 2024, attention will recur – among much else– to the many arts for which Samuel Beckett in particular showed genius: drama (stage, screen, radio), film, fiction, poetry, criticism of literature and of the arts.