The Disaster Lifecycle

GMS BC 700

This course focuses on examining health needs and health care delivery methods to prepare for, respond to, recover from, and mitigate impacts of crises. Preparedness consists of being ready for any kind of emergency no matter what the source of the disaster. Practically this means looking at preparedness from an all-hazards perspective and developing the complicated array of policies, methods and programs. Disaster response is a complicated multi-institutional operation requiring sophisticated planning, logistics and communications. Response planning emphasizes the interface and coordination requirements of the National Response Framework. Recovery involves all the necessary actions to reinstate normal operations including reconstitution of necessary data, hardware, software, personnel, supplies and facilities. Recovery actions are focused on issues and decisions that occur after immediate response needs are addressed. Current and proposed Federal, state, local and private nonprofit disaster recovery methods are discussed. This course addresses these issues through discussion of the cycle of planning, training, equipping, exercising and mission continuity processes and reviewing case studies of current and past governmental and private methods. 3 cr

FALL 2024 Schedule

Section Instructor Location Schedule Notes
A1 Burke XBG 140 W 4:00 pm-6:20 pm Meets in X140

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