Mental Health Counseling & Behavioral Medicine
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- Mental Health Counseling & Behavioral Medicine
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GMS MH 701: Counseling Theory
Graduate Prerequisites: consent of instructor - This course provides an overview of major theoretical approaches to case conceptualization for clinical mental health counseling, including psychoanalytic, person-centered, cognitive-behavioral, and solution-focused theories. Students will begin to develop an understanding of the process for selecting appropriate clinical mental health counseling interventions, consistent with current research standards. 3 cr, Yr. 1, Spring sem. -
GMS MH 703: Counseling Techniques
Graduate Prerequisites: consent of instructor - This course provides an overview of the skills and styles needed for building healthy and therapeutic helping relationships, as well as techniques specific to a variety of psychological disorders and problems with living. Emphasis is placed on experiential exercises and clinical mental health counseling-related skills-building, including interviewing and behaviors influencing the helping process. 3 cr, Yr. 1, Fall sem. -
GMS MH 704: Group Work
Graduate Prerequisites: consent of instructor - This course provides an overview of the basic principles of group counseling including the conception and design of group interventions and components, group dynamics, facilitation approaches, methods for recruiting and intervening with group members, and modalities through which groups are often conducted (i.e. psychodynamic, behavioral, support groups, and skills-based groups for special populations). Sensitivity to issues related to culture is emphasized. 3 cr. Year 1, spring semester. -
GMS MH 705: Psychopathology
Graduate Prerequisites: consent of instructor - This course provides students with an introduction to the etiology, presentation, and treatment of major mental health disorders as classified in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Students will become familiar with identifying and differentiating diagnoses across a range of clinical presentations. In addition, there will be discussion of clinical mental health strategies that may be applied when working with a variety of clients, beginning with the first contact and including the therapeutic process and treatment planning. 3 cr, Yr. 1, Fall sem. -
GMS MH 706: Social & Cultural Foundations
This course provides an overview of the cultural context of relationships, issues, and trends in a multicultural society, in order to enable students to work effectively with people from varied racial, cultural and class backgrounds. The course is organized around a social justice model and the ethical responsibility of counselors to provide clients across a wide range of identities with meaningful and relevant clinical services, and the role of counselors in promoting overall health and wellness across cultures. A contemporary body of professional literature is explored, with an emphasis on self-awareness, cultural sensitivity and humility, experiential learning activities, and multicultural counseling skills acquisition. 3 cr, Yr. 1, Spring sem. -
GMS MH 707: Research and Evaluation
This course provides an understanding of research methods, statistical analysis, needs assessment, and program evaluation. There is an emphasis on the importance of research in advancing the counseling profession, varied approaches to research method, and the use of research to inform evidence- based practice. Landmark studies and current articles are used to illustrate applications. Students develop critical thinking skills for examining research information and its use for asking questions that extend knowledge, and for planning studies to address new questions. 3 cr, Yr. 1, Fall sem. -
GMS MH 708: Human Growth & Development
Graduate Prerequisites: consent of instructor - This course provides an overview of biological, psychological, and sociocultural aspects of individual and family development from conception through elder adulthood in a multicultural context. The course is taught from perspectives of cognitive science and behavioral systems as well as sociological, cultural, life span developmental, and comparative approaches. The focus of the course is on normative development; developmental disorders are used to elucidate normative developmental and adaptive processes in language, cognition, and behavioral self-regulation that will serve to introduce students to behaviors and concepts relevant to clinical mental health counseling practice with both children and adults. 3 cr, Yr. 2, Fall sem. -
GMS MH 709: Neuroscience for Mental Health Professionals
Graduate Prerequisites: consent of instructor - The general objective of this course is to provide a foundation in the understanding of central nervous system structure and function and the relationship of brain and behavior tailored to the clinical mental health counseling professional. Special emphasis is on the neurobiology of mental illness and neurologic disease. The course is divided into two parts: Part I covers primarily the organization, structure and function of the nervous system, and Part II covers primarily the neurobiology of mental illness, normal aging, and age-related disease. Instructors have earned degrees in a medical field and are designated prescribers. 3 cr, Yr. 1, Spring sem. -
GMS MH 710: Basic Mental Health Assessment
Graduate Prerequisites: consent of instructor - This course is designed to provide an overview of principles and applications of mental health assessment in a multicultural society. The primary objectives of this course are to facilitate students' understanding of the basic methods of assessment in clinical mental health counseling, to include evaluating, selecting, and using appropriate techniques and standardized testing methods, and to conduct a thorough, culturally sensitive, and ethically responsible assessment. Methods for dissemination of assessment results will also be reviewed. 3 cr, Yr. 1, Fall sem. -
GMS MH 712: Marriage and Family Counseling
This elective course will help students gain a basic conceptual understanding of the theory, process and practice of family systems therapy, incorporating cultural concepts and understanding of ways in which “family” is defined. In addition, students will begin to develop skills and strategies for the assessment and treatment of family systems approaches within mental health systems and to practice these skills during in-class role-play exercises. 3 cr. Year 2, Spring sem. -
GMS MH 713: Human Sexuality
Graduate Prerequisites: consent of instructor - This elective course explores physiological, psychological, and sociocultural aspects of human sexuality, focusing on trends in the field, including teen sexuality, pregnancy, and early sexual experiences, sexual assault, HIV/AIDS and other sexually-transmitted infections, sex addiction, sexuality across the lifespan, and ethics. 3 cr, Yr. 2, Spring sem. -
Graduate Prerequisites: consent of instructor - This course description is currently under construction. -
GMS MH 715: Professional Orientation and Ethics
Graduate Prerequisites: consent of instructor - This course is process-oriented with an emphasis on personal and professional development as it pertains to preparation to assume a professional role as a clinical mental health counselor within various clinical settings. The focus of the course revolves around developing clinical knowledge and professional skills to help facilitate adjustment to and preparation for field training. Skill development in the areas of assessment, advocacy, treatment, appreciation of cultural complexities in the clinical environment, balancing professional and personal roles, and understanding the role of a clinical mental health counselor in behavioral healthcare settings will be discussed throughout the seminar. 3 cr, Yr. 1, Fall sem -
GMS MH 716: Career and Vocational Counseling
Graduate Prerequisites: consent of instructor - This course provides an overview of the history and theories of career development; students will learn how to conduct a career interview and review and discuss the influence of developmental, ethnic, racial and gender differences for career counseling. Students will also complete and review several career tests and present their personal career development plan in preparation for entering the field. 3 cr, Yr. 2, Spring sem -
GMS MH 717: Theory and Practice of Child and Adolescent Counseling
Graduate Prerequisites: Consent of instructor - This elective course presents evidence-based practices designed to impact children and adolescents. The course will focus on theoretical underpinnings and options for intervening directly with children/adolescents, with parents/guardians, and in schools and other environmental settings. Sensitivity to multicultural perspectives and competencies will also be reviewed. 3cr Year 1, Fall sem. -
GMS MH 718: Psychological Trauma Across the Lifespan
Graduate Prerequisites: Consent of instructor - This elective course provides students with a foundation in psychological trauma and its impact on mental and physical health. Two frameworks-- biopsychosocial and developmental psychopathology--will be used for students to gain up-to-date knowledge on the consequences of traumatic experiences and other serious adversities along the molar (behavior) to molecular (neurobiology) continuum and across the lifespan. With an emphasis on evidence-based practice, students attain core clinical competencies in the assessment and treatment of trauma-related symptoms and problems through various didactic and experiential activities. Evaluation strategies will encompass the utility of diagnostic nosologies (i.e., Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders [DSM]) as well as case conceptualization. State-of-the-science interventions are be covered so that students acquire knowledge and skills in helping traumatized individuals to successfully ameliorate their symptoms and improve their functioning. 3 cr. Yr. 2, Fall sem. -
Graduate Prerequisites: Consent of instructor - This course description is currently under construction. -
GMS MH 803: Advanced Ethics
Graduate Prerequisites: consent of instructor - This course provides a review of professional ethics governing the field of counseling, to include ethical decision-making, confidentiality and informed consent, competence and supervision, malpractice, use of technology, self-care, and medical ethics. The course includes a careful review of the American Counseling Association and American Mental Health Counselors Association Codes of Ethics. This is an advanced ethics course, building upon ethical concepts covered throughout the program, with a focus on critical thinking skills and cultural sensitivity as applied to ethical practice. Discussion of student’s training experiences is also emphasized. 3 cr., Year 2, Spring sem -
GMS MH 810: Psychopharmacology
Graduate Prerequisites: consent of instructor - This course provides an overview of psychopharmacology for the non-medical clinical mental health counseling provider. There is overview of the neurobiology of mental health disorders and the medications commonly used in their treatment. 3 cr, Yr. 1, Spring sem. -
GMS MH 812: Addictions
Graduate Prerequisites: consent of instructor - The aim of this course is to provide the necessary knowledge base for understanding and treating addiction. This course places emphasis on acquiring clinically useful knowledge and skills for recognizing and treating substance use disorders. Topics covered in this course include: recognizing drug intoxication and withdrawal, assessment of substance use disorders, Community Reinforcement Approach, Family Systems Treatment Models, Motivational, Enhancement Therapy, Cognitive-Behavioral/Skills Building approaches, 12-Step Recovery/Mutual Support Groups, and Addiction Medicine. 3 cr, Yr. 2, Fall sem.