Steven N. Broder
Clinical Associate Professor Emeritus
Dr. Steven N. Broder is a clinical associate professor emeritus of counseling psychology at Boston University Wheelock College of Education & Human Development.
PhD, Counseling Psychology, Peabody College, Vanderbilt University
MS, Psychology, George Peabody College for Teachers
BA, University of Connecticut
Selected Publications
Broder, S.N. (1985). Loving and leaving: implications for psychotherapy supervisors and supervisees. Paper presented to the psychiatry staff, Boston Evening Medical Center, Boston, January 17.
Adelberg, R., & Broder, S.N. (1986). A comparison study of searching and nonsearching adult adoptees. Paper presented at the 57th Annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, New York, April 19.
Oresick, R.J., & Broder, S.N. (1988). the psychometric structure of the wechsler memory scale in comparison to the WAIS-R in a low IQ clinical population.
Anchor, K. N., Cherones, J., & Broder, S. N. (1977). Strategies in the measurement of different aspects of self-disclosure. Psychological Reports, 41, 173-174.
Broder, S.N. (1978). Stress Reduction Through Biofeedback. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the american academy of orthomolecular therapists, Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, TN., November 3-4.
Broder, S.N. (1979). Temperature Training in a Single Session: Control of Temperature and Length of Baseline. American Journal of Clinical Biofeedback, 2, 78-80.
Broder, S.N. (1980). Biofeedback: Plain as the Nose on Your Face. Journal of Orthomolecular Psychiatry, 9, 90-92.
Broder, S.N. (1981). Self-disclosure and interpersonal trust: Profess vs. Dispositional Measurement. Presented at the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, New York, April 23.
Broder, S.N. (1882). Liking, Own Disclosure and Partner Disclosure in Female Roomates. Journal of Social Psychology, 117, 303-304.
Broder, S.N. (1983). Managing your stress. Presented at the New England Regional Conference of Legal Administrators. Falmouth, Ma., June, 17.
Broder, S.N. (1984). Intimacy in Interpersonal Relationships: Social and Clinical Applications. Paper presented at the Counseling Psychology Department Colloquium, Tufts University, May 17.