Paul Thayer
Clinical Associate Professor
Dr. Paul Thayer teaches the family-centered-care courses in the Child Life & Family-Centered Care program at Boston University Wheelock College of Education & Human Development. A clinical associate professor, his areas of expertise include grief and loss, professional ethics, and family studies. Before joining BU Wheelock, he was a pediatric hospice director.
Pronouns: he/him
Recent News
Doctor of Ministry, Religion, Psychology, and Culture, Boston University
MDiv, Yale University
MA, Counseling Psychology, Assumption College
BA, Psychology, University of Connecticut
Selected Publications
Thayer, P. (2008) The impact of church closings on Catholic adolescents: Implications for clergy, church leaders, and parents. Saarbrucken, Germany: VDM Publishing
Thayer, P. (2007). But is it a field? Child Life Bulletin, 25(3).
Thayer, P. (2007). Entering the zone of ethical proximal development: The child life specialist as a teacher of ethics. Child Life Bulletin, 25(2).
Thayer, P., Ashworth, K., O’Brien, A., Harris, A. & Wallensack, K. (2006). Child life services: Right or privilege? Child Life Bulletin, 24 (4), pp. 1-5.
Thayer, P. (2006). Navigating family relationships in child life. Child Life Focus. 24(3) pp. 1-8.
Thayer, P. & Nee, R. (2008). Spiritual care of children and families. In Ann Armstrong-Dailey & Sarah Zarbock (Eds). Hospice care for children, 3rd ed. New York: Oxford University Press.
Faulkner, K., Thayer, P., & Coulter, D. (2006) Neurological and neuromuscular symptoms. In Oxford textbook of pediatric palliative care. New York: Oxford University Press.
Thayer, P. (2001). Spiritual care of children and parents. In A. Armstrong Dailey, & S. Goltzer, (Eds.), Hospice care for children, 2nd ed. New York: Oxford University Press.
Selected Presentations
Thayer, P. (2007). Professional boundaries in hospice care. Hospice Education Network.
Thayer, P. (2007). Caring for children of adult hospice patients. Hospice Education Network.