Photo of Eli Tucker-Raymond

Eli Tucker-Raymond

Research Associate Professor

Dr. Eli Tucker-Raymond is a research associate professor at Boston University Wheelock College of Education & Human Development. Dr. Tucker-Raymond’s research focuses on ways to connect learning spaces to youth culture and to the human experience as a relational phenomenon more broadly, particularly for young people who come from groups that are disproportionately affected negatively by systemic racism. Recently, this work has taken place at the interdisciplinary intersections of making, literacies, and STEM.

Dr. Tucker-Raymond has several funded projects at the Earl Center for Learning & Innovation. At the Earl Center, he works with colleagues to develop the Educational Design for Transformative Social Futures undergraduate pathway.

Dr. Tucker-Raymond is part of a collective of researchers whose origins began at the Chèche Konnen Center led by Beth Warren and Ann Rosebery at TERC, Inc, a nonprofit research and development organization. Part of this collective is known as the STEMCees – working at the intersection of computational making and hip-hop through culturally sustaining pedagogies

Having grown up in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Dr. Tucker-Raymond also works with several childhood friends and classmates on actions to improve learning opportunities for youth in the area and across the country, particularly with a group called The Young People’s Project.

Pronouns: he/him

PhD, Curriculum and Instruction - Literacy, Language, and Culture, University of Illinois at Chicago

MA, Learning Sciences, Northwestern University

BA, Anthropology, University of Massachusetts Boston

ED 121 Introduction to the professions

ED 230 Introduction to Educational Design

ED 310 Critical Making/Creative Inquiry

ED 581 and 582 - Design-Based Research as Educational Inquiry

Wilson-Lopez, A., Tucker-Raymond, E., Esquinca, A., & Mejia, A. (Eds.) (2022). The literacies of design: Studies of equity and imagination in engineering and making. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press.

Tucker-Raymond, E. & Gravel, B. E. (2019). STEM literacies in makerspaces: Implications for learning, teaching, and research. New York, NY: Routledge. *Winner, Society of Professors of Education 2020 Outstanding Book Award

Gravel, B.E., Millner, A., Tucker-Raymond, E., Olivares, M.C. & Wagh, A. (2022). “Weebles wobble but they also commit to lifelong relationships”: Disciplinary possibilities in computational play. International Journal of STEM Education.9(60).

Tucker-Raymond, E., Cassidy, M., & Puttick, G. (2021). Science teachers can teach computational thinking through distributed expertise. Computers and Education.

Gravel, B. E., Tucker-Raymond, E., Wagh, A., Klimczak, S., & Wilson, N. (2021). More than Mechanisms: Shifting Ideologies for Asset-Based Learning in Engineering Education. Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (J-PEER), 11(1), Article 15.

Champion, D.N., Tucker-Raymond, E., Millner, A., Gravel, B. E., Wright, C.G., Likely, R., Allen-Handy, A. and Dandridge, T.M. (2020), (Designing for) learning computational STEM and arts integration in culturally sustaining learning ecologies, Information and Learning Sciences, Vol. 121 No. 9/10, pp. 785-804.