Managing Sessions
You can manage all your active interactive OnDemand sessions by clicking “My Interactive Sessions” in the top navigation bar of OnDemand. Click the blue “Connect to …” button in any session’s panel to open a new browser tab with that session in it. For Desktop applications it is also possible to allow others to view your active session; right-click the “View Only” button in the bottom right of the session’s panel and select “Copy Link Address”, this link can now be freely shared with others so they can view this session. Note: “View Only” means those with the link are able to only view the session and can not interact with it (e.g. move the mouse/enter keystrokes).
Session Tools/Options
While a session is queued “Time Requested” is displayed, after a session is running the “Time Remaining” in the session is displayed. Clicking the “Session ID:” link will open the session’s folder in the File Explorer in a new tab. Similarly, clicking the blue “Host:” button will open a terminal on the session’s node in a new tab.
For Desktop applications there are two sliders that control Compression and Image Quality of the display of a session (on first OnDemand use they are 6 and 2 respectively). It is reasonable to leave these sliders at their default settings and only change them if troubles are encountered in the quality, frame-rate, or latency of the display.
Ending a Session
You can delete/end any session by clicking the red “Delete” button in any session’s panel. It is important to note that even if you log out of OnDemand or close all tabs, unless you delete/end those sessions they will continue to run (using up SUs) until the hours you have allocated for the session have run out.