Those students and faculty using Microsoft (MS) Office and/or Word 2007 should save their files with a “.doc” extension instead of the MS Office 2007 default “.docx” extension. This will make it easier for your fellow students and instructor to open your Word document.

  1. Click the MS 2007 logo which is situated in the upper-left corner of your MS Word program.
  2. Mouse-over Save As and then left-click on Word 97 – 2003 Document.
  3. In the Save As window, select a location on your local computer where you can later retrieve the file.
  4. In the File name text box, ensure that the name of the file is using your class’ naming convention and that it ends with a .doc extension. The Save as type drop-down should have Word 97 – 2003 Document (*.doc) selected.
  5. Click the Save button. You can now close the Word document if you have finished your work. When you need to upload your file, retrieve it from the location on your computer selected in Step 3 above.

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