Once you have ensured that your computer has the proper operating system, browser, plug-ins and hardware to run Blackboard Learn as detailed in our system requirements page, you should verify that your network connection is fast enough to support Blackboard Learn. Online courses may require students to download/upload large files and often include streaming audio and video as well as online web conferencing.
Windows and Mac Users – Check Connection Speed
- Check your Internet connection download and upload speeds using the connection test. If your download speed results are 384 kbps or faster and your upload speed results are the same or higher than those listed below for your type of service your connection should be strong enough for streaming video. The higher your download speed number, and the lower your latency number, the better your online experience will be. If your download speed results are slower than 384 kbps and your upload speed results are less than those listed below for your type of service, please proceed to Step 2.
- Dial-up users can expect 40 kbps or lower depending on the quality of phone lines and modems.
- Cable modem providers often cap their customer’s upload bandwidth at 128 kbps or 256 kbps, but if they don’t it can be as fast as 1000 kbps.
- DSL users can expect 64 kbps to 1,500 kbps depending on the level of service purchased.
- If your Internet connection is slower than the recommended speeds listed in Step 1, you may still use Blackboard Learn. However, you will encounter difficulties when loading pages, especially during peak usage times. You will also find that both audio and video playback can be very choppy. Additionally, downloading or uploading assignments may take a long time.