Multi-Media Interviews

STH faculty members are active in doing research and publishing in their areas of expertise. In 2014-2015, the STH Library sponsored a series of video interviews with faculty members of the School of Theology with the goal to showcase their work! Each video runs around 20-30 minutes and focuses on a recently published book by the faculty member. We hope these interviews will serve to introduce you to the remarkable work going on at the School of Theology.

Video Playlist

Check out the following YouTube playlist of our Faculty Interviews. To toggle between interviews, click on the icon in the top left of the video, or click on the faculty member’s picture.

Interviews Include:


Dr. Nancy T. Ammerman talks about her book, Sacred Stories, Spiritual Tribes: Finding Religion in everyday life.
Recorded October 23, 2014.

RNevilleDr. Robert Neville talks about his books, Ultimates: Philosophical Theology Volume One and Existence: Philosophical Theology Volume Two.
Recorded October 9, 2014

Evans-PictureDr. Christopher Evans talks about his book, Histories of American Christianity: an Introduction.
Recorded November 6, 2014

Dr. John Hart talks about his book, Cosmic Commons: Spirit, Science, and Space.
Recorded November 10, 2014


Dr. David Schnasa Jacobsen talks about his book, Mark.
Recorded February 23, 2015