Education:Bachelor of Education (Education/Physical Education), Certificate in Education (Mathematics); Nottingham University, England (1969 – 1973)
Education, Physical, BEd; Education, Mathematics, Cert. Ed., Nottingham University, England (1969 – 1973)
Master of Science, Physical Education, Motor Control; Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA (1976 – 1978)
Study toward Doctor of Philosophy, Biobehavioral Science (Dynamic Systems/Motor Control); University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT (1978 – 1980)
Master of Science in Physical Therapy; Boston University, Boston, MA (1981-1983)
Doctor of Philosophy in Exercise Science, Biomechanics/Ergonomics; University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA (1985 – 1989)
Design and biomechanical testing of soft exoskeletons for use in the armed services and for rehabilitation.
Biomechanical approach to understanding chronic musculoskeletal injuries. Private clinical practice and experimental research.
Dynamical Systems approach to understanding motor control and rehabilitation practices. Theoretical and experimental research.
Biomechanical approach to physical anthropology puzzles
Biomechanical effects of load carriage on walking gait.
Selected Publications
Asbeck, A. DeRossi, MM. Holt, KG. Walsh CJ. (accepted with revisions) A Biologically-Inspired Soft Exosuit for Walking Assistance. International Journal of Robotics Research.
Monaghan, G. Hsu, W-H. Lewis CL, Saltzman E, Hamill J, Holt KG (in press, 2014). Forefoot angle determines duration and amplitude of pronation during running. Clinical Biomechanics
Caron, R. Lewis, CL. Saltzman E. Wagenaar, RO. Holt, KG. (accepted with revisions) Musculoskeletal stiffness changes linearly in response to increasing load during walking gait. Journal of Biomechanics
Hsu WH, Monaghan, GM, Lewis, CL, Saltzman, E, Hamill, J, Holt, KG (2014). Orthoses posted in both the forefoot and rearfoot reduce moments and impulses on lower extremity joints during walking Journal of Biomechanics 47 2618-2625.
Saltzman, E., & Holt, KG (2014). Movement forms: A graph-dynamic perspective. Ecological Psychology
DeSilva JM, Holt, KG, Churchill, SE, Carlson, KJ, Walker, CS, Zipfel, B, Berger , L (2013) The Lower Limb and Mechanics of Walking in Australopithecus sediba, Science 340(6129):1232999
Caron RR Wagenaar, RC Lewis, CL Saltzman E, Holt KG (2013) Forward lean maintains center of mass trajectory and orientation to ankle and knee in sagittal plane with increasing backpack load during walking Journal of Biomechanics 46(1):70-76
Monaghan, G. Lewis CL Hsu, W-H, Saltzman E, Hamill J, Holt KG (2013) Forefoot angle determines duration and amplitude of pronation during walking. Gait and Posture, 38(1):8-13.
Wehner, M, Quinliven, B, Aubin, PM, Martinez-Villalpando, E, Bauman, M, Stirling, L, Holt, KG, Wood, RJ, Walsh, C. (2013) Design and evaluation of a lightweight soft exosuit for Gait Assistance. Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
Goldfield, EC, Park, Y-L, Chen, B-R, Hsu, WH, Young, D, Wehner, M, Kelty-Stephen, DG, Stirling, L, Weinberg, M, Newman, D, Nagpal, N, Saltzman, E. Holt, KG, Walsh, C, Wood, RJ (2012). Bio-inspired design of soft orthotic devices: The interface of Physics, Biology, and Behavior. Ecological Psychology, 24:300-327.
Cauraugh, JH, Naik, SK, Hsu, WH, Coombes, SA, Holt, KG (2010) Children with cerebral palsy: a systematic review and meta-analysis on gait and electrical stimulation. Clinical Rehabilitation,
Gross, KD, Niu, J., Zhang, YQ, Felson, DT, McLellan, C Hannan, MT, Holt, KG, Hunter, DJ (2008) The Varus Foot and Hip Conditions In Older Adults. Arthritis and Rheumatism. 56 (9) 2993-2998.
Holt, KG, Wagenaar, RO, Saltzman, E. (2010) A dynamic systems/constraints approach to rehabilitation. Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy, 14(9) 446-463.
Cauraugh, JH, Naik, SK, Hsu, WH, Coombes, SA, Holt, KG (2010) Children with cerebral palsy: a systematic review and meta-analysis on gait and electrical stimulation. Clinical Rehabilitation.
Sharpe, S. Holt, KG, Saltzman, E. Wagenaar, RO. (2008). Effects of a hip belt on transverse plane trunk coordination and stability. Journal of Biomechanics. 968-976.
Smith, BA, Kubo, M, Black, D, Holt, KG, Ulrich, DB. (2007) Impact of practice on a novel task, walking on a treadmill: preadolescents with and without Down syndrome. Physical Therapy Journal.
Gross, KD, Niu, J, Zhang, YQ, Felson, DT, McLellan, C Hannan, MT, Holt, KG, Hunter, DJ (2007). The Varus Foot and Hip Conditions In Older Adults. Arthritis and Rheumatism. 56, 2993-2998.
Holt, KG, Saltzman, E, Ho, CL, Ulrich, BD. (2007) Scaling of dynamics in the earliest stages of walking. Physical Therapy. 1458-1467.
Barak, Y, Wagenaar, RC, Holt, KG. (2006) Gait characteristics of elderly people with a history of falls: A dynamic approach. Physical Therapy, 86, 1501-1510.
Holt, KG, Saltzman, E, Ho, CL, Kubo, M, Ulrich, BD. (2006) Discovery of the pendulum and spring dynamics in the early stages of walking. Journal of Motor Behavior, 38, 206-218.
Ho, CL, Holt, KG, Saltzman, E, Wagenaar, RC. (2006) Functional electrical stimulation changes dynamic resources in children with spastic cerebral palsy: Dynamic modeling approach. Physical Therapy 86, 987-1000.
Kubo, M, Wagenaar, RC, Holt, KG, Saltzman, E. (2006) Changes in axial stiffness of the trunk as a function of walking speed. Journal of Biomechanics 39, 750-757.
Holt, KG. (2005) Biomechanical Models, Motor Control Theory and Development. Infant and Child Development.14, 523-527.
Andres, RO, Holt, KG, Kubo, M. (2005) Impact of railroad ballast type on frontal plane ankle kinematics during walking. Applied Ergonomics 36, 529-534.
Selected Presentations
Holt, KG Building the Superman Suit: Lessons from Biology: The Pellecchia Memorial Lecture, University of Connecticut, Oct 2013.
Holt, KG Principles for Building Biologically-Inspired Exoskeletons, June 2013, University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Holt, KG The Relationship Between Foot Structure and Abnormal Lower Extremity Biomechanics, June 2013, University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Holt, KG Energy Transfer in Human Locomotion, June 2013, University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Holt, KG How we walk: Implications for the development of a soft exoskeleton for load carriage, June 2013, University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Holt, KG. Modeling Active-Passive Dynamics. Invited Presentation: Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, Harvard University. June 2012.
Holt, KG. How We Walk: Implications for the Development of a Soft Exoskeleton Invited Presentation: Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, Harvard University Feb 2012.
Saltzman, E. & Holt, KG. Movement forms: A graph-dynamic perspective. Invited paper presented at the XVIII Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies as part of the pre-conference session “Realism to Relevance: An Ecological Approach to Perception, Action, and Cognition (A Festschrift to Honor the Scientific and Mentoring Contributions of Herbert L. Pick, Jr.)”, Minneapolis, MN June, 2012
Saltzman, E. & Holt, KG. A graph-dynamic perspective on movement forms. Invited paper presented at the Guy van Orden UConn Workshop on Cognition and Dynamics, VII, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT. August, 2012
Saltzman, E, Holt, KG A graph-dynamic perspective on movement forms. Paper presented at the Workshop on Cognition and Dynamics, VII, University of Connecticut, Storrs CT. 2012
Holt, KG How do we walk: Implications for the development of orthotic and prosthetic devices. Wyss Institute, Children’s Hospital, Boston June 2010
Holt, KG Learning to walk: Lessons for the application of FES, In NIH Grant supported Conference: Applications of Artificial Walking Technologies for FES-assisted Gait in Cerebral Palsy, Palo Alto, May 2010
Holt, KG Learning the dynamics of walking: A guide for intervention. Boston Action Club, Sept 2009
Holt, KG “The Role of Biomechanics in Determining the Coordination Patterns in Walking”. Invited Address, II Brazilian Congress of Motor Behavior – New Horizons in Motor Behavior, Federal University of Minas Gerais State (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, Brasil, Sept 2004.
Holt, KG. “Discovering Pendulum and Spring Dynamics: Biomechanical Insights into How Children Learn to Walk”. British Association of Sports and Exercise Science. Invited presentation, Brunel University, East London, United Kingdom, Sept 2008
Holt, KG. “Systems, Constraints, and the Classification of Dis(en)ablement.” Rehabilitation Sciences Symposium, University of Connecticut, Fall 2007
Holt, KG, Linzer, S “Active and Passive Dynamics in Walking: A Guide for Prosthetic Design?” Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Media Lab, Sept, MA 2007.
Holt, KG “Understanding the Active-Passive Dynamics of Walking: A Guide for Intervention.” American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, Boston, MA, Feb 2007.
Holt, KG. “Systems Dynamics, Control and Coordination of Locomotion” University of Florida, Dec 2006.
Holt, KG. “Learning the Dynamics of Walking: Implications for children with Altered Dynamic Resources.” North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, Denver, CO, June 2006.
Holt, KG “Discovery of Pendulum and Spring Dynamics in the Early Stages of Walking.” University of Michigan, Dynamic Walking Conference, May 2006.
Holt, KG. “Biomechanics, Functional Anatomy and Chronic Injury” University of Connecticut, Feb 2006.
Holt, KG. “Dynamics and Disability” Center for the Ecological Study of Action and Perception.” University of Connecticut, Nov 2005
Selected Grant Activity
DARPA Warrier Web. PI on subcontract, (Conor Walsh PI) Smart Exoskeleton Suit: Biomedically Synergistic Body Support and Protection System Task B Phase 1, 2014-2016.
DARPA Warrier Web. PI on subcontract (Conor Walsh PI) Smart Exoskeleton Suit: Biomedically Synergistic Body Support and Protection System Phase 2A/B 11-72, 2013-2015.
NSF PI on subcontract (Conor Walsh, PI CPS: TTP Option: Synergy: Human-Machine Interaction with Mobility Enhancing Soft Exosuits, 2014-2017.
DARPA Warrier Web. PI on subcontract (Conor Walsh PI), 11-72-WW-FP-019, Smart Exoskeleton Suit: Biomedically Synergistic Body Support and Protection System Task A Phase 1, 2012-2013).
National Institutes of Health, 1R13HD062146-01, Applications of Artificial Walking Technologies for FES-assisted Gait in Cerebral Palsy, 2010, Investigator, (Jessica Rose, PI)
National Science Foundation, Programmable second skin for re-educating injured nervous systems, 2009-2013, PI on subcontract. (Goldfield, E. PI).
National Institute of Health Travel Grant, Development of multicenter grant on FES in Cerebral Palsy, 2009, Collaborator (Jessica Rose, PI).
National Science Foundation, Programmable Second Skin to Reeducate the Injured Nervous System, 2009 – 2012, PI on subcontract.
National Institutes of Health, Dynamic Resources Modeling Approach as a Guide to FES Intervention in Children with CP, Principal Investigator.
Center for the Integration of Medicine and Innovative Technology (CIMIT), Inertial Sensing of Stiffness Modulation for Control of Robotic Assistive Devices in Infants at Risk of Cerebral Palsy, 2008, Principal Investigator.
National Institute for Disability, Rehabilitation Research, A Randomized Trial of Realignment Therapy for Treatment of Medial Knee Osteoarthritis, 2004 – 2008, Co-Principal Investigator (with David Hunter, PI, Boston Medical Center)
Boston University Aging Research Center, Foot Mechanical Disorders and their association with hip and low back pain, 2003 – 2004, Co-Principal Investigator (with David Hunter, PI, Boston Medical Center).
National Institutes of Health, Modeling Dynamic Resources to Solve Movement Problems, 2002 – 2006, Primary Investigator on subcontract: University of Michigan (PI – Dr. Beverly Ulrich).
United States Army, Models of Human Locomotion: Implications for Load Carriage, 2000 – 2002, Principal Investigator.
National Institute of Aging, Roybal Center, Predicting Falls in the Elderly, 1999 – 2000, Co-Principal Investigator (with Dr. Robert Wagenaar).
United Cerebral Palsy, Efficacy of Functional Electrical Stimulation of Children with Spastic Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy, 2000 – 2002, Principal Investigator.
Consulting and Professional Activities
P.T./Research Consultant, Ergonomic Engineering, Inc.
Expert Witness, Biomotion Consulting (self)
Owner Biomotion Physical Therapy
Awards and Honors
Whitney R. Powers Award for Teaching Excellence, BU College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College, 2013
Licenses and Certifications
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Division of Registration in Allied Health Professions, PT Licensure