Leading the Way: Boston University Entry-level OTD Capstone Presentations

College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College Department of Occupational Therapy invites you to attend

Leading the Way: Boston University Entry-level OTD Capstone Presentations

Date: August 21, 2020
Time: 9:00am-5:00pm Eastern Standard Time
Location: Virtual via Zoom 

Sessions are in 20-minute time blocks:
10-minute presentations, 5 minutes for questions, and 5 minutes of transition time

Morning Session


Zoom Room 1
Host: Anne Escher
Timekeeper: Karen Jacobs
Meeting ID: 956 3053 7319
Password: 208522
Zoom Room 2
Host: Jen Kaldenberg
Timekeeper: TBA
Meeting ID: 646 450 5345
Password: BUOTD

9:00 – 9:15 AM

Dagny Barclay

Title: The Power to Choose: Creating a Group Treatment Protocol to Address Substance Use Disorder in a Correctional Facility

Academic Mentor: Anne Escher

Tamara Barboza

Title: Prepare: Expanding Occupational Therapy’s Role in Disaster Preparedness and Risk Reduction

Academic Mentor: Jennifer Kaldenberg

9:20 – 9:35 AM

Sarah Fisenne

Title: A Novel Group Intervention Addressing Emotional Regulation & Social Skills for Youth Residing in a Group Home who have Experienced ACEs

Academic Mentor: Anne Escher

Jamie Tam

Title: Feasibility of Using the UPSA to Assess Functional Skills of Group Living Environment (GLE) Residents on the Psychosis Spectrum

Academic Mentor: Ellen Cohn

9:40 – 9:55 AM

Kim Greenberg

Title: Measuring Community Reintegration After Spinal Cord Injury

Academic Mentor: Anne Escher

Mary McLean

Title: Characteristics of Diploma- Track Youth Preparing to Graduate: Parent & Youth Ratings

Academic Mentor: Gael Orsmond

10:00 – 10:15 AM

Ben William

Title: Using Zoom to Support Meaningful Social Participation for Adults with Intellectual and Develpomental Disabilities

Academic Mentor: Anne Escher

Melanie Miller-Himmel

Title: Transfer of Responsibility: Examining trends in independence in diploma-track youth with ASD without ID

Academic Mentor: Wendy Coster

10:20 – 10:35 AM

Laura Rodriguez

Title: Understanding the Impact of an Inpatient Pediatric Hospital Stay on Typical Child Roles

Academic Mentor: Anne Escher

Gina Barrett

Title: Community Connection: Improving Accessibility and Utilization of Community Based Resources for Stroke Survivors

Academic Mentor: Jennifer Kaldenberg

10:40 – 10:55 AM

Kristina Hancock

Title: Occupational Therapy Outcomes that Matter: Parents’ Goals for Their Children with Sensory Processing Challenges

Academic Mentor: Ellen Cohn

Abdiel Bourne

Title: Fall Prevention Intervention and Program Implementation Recommendations for an Inpatient Mental Health Setting

Academic Mentor: Jennifer Kaldenberg

11:00 – 11:15 AM

Anne McCotter

Title: Feasibility of an Educational Intervention for Direct Support Professionals to Improve Self Determination in Lesiure Participation for Adolescents with ASD

Academic Mentor: Ellen Cohn

Lisa Ryoo

Title: Bridging the Knowledge Gap: Visual Impairment Continuing Education for Occupational Therapy Practitioners

Academic Mentor: Jennifer Kaldenberg

11:20 – 11:35 AM

Gabrielle Menendez

Title: Supporting Participation in Healthcare: Patient and Caregiver Perspectives of an Occupational Therapy Patient Navigator (OTPN) for People with ASD/IDD

Academic Mentor: Ellen Cohn

Arti Gandhi

Title: Physical and Social Anhedonia Across Major Depressive Disorder and Schizophrenia: A Meta-Analytic Review

Academic Mentor: Daniel Fulford

11:40 – 11:55 AM



Savannah Rodriguez

Title: A Feasability Study of an Educational Intervention for Direct Care Support Professionals to Promote Self-Determination For Transition Age Youth With IDD

Academic Mentor: Ellen Cohn

Gina Yoon

Title: Occupational Therapy in Primary Care: Establishing a Role for Occupational Therapy in Diabetes Self-Management at Cedars-Sinai

Academic Mentor: Jennifer Kaldenberg

12:00 – 1:00PM


Afternoon Session


Zoom Room 1
Host: Simone Gill Timekeeper: Leanne Yinusa- Nyahkoon

Zoom link
Meeting ID: 370 887 8717

Password: BUOTD

Zoom Room 2
Host: Robin Newman Timekeeper: Jen Kaldenberg

Zoom link
Meeting ID: 213 754 6320

Password: BUOTD2020


Cole Koerber

Title: Impact of Occupation-Based Interventions on Hospitalized Children’s Anxiety: A Systematic Review

Academic Mentor: Simone Gill

Marissa Buckminster

Title: Presenteeism as Applied to Cancer Caregivers: A Concept Analysis

Academic Mentor: Robin Newman


Reed Kotz

Title: Systematic Review of School-Based Trauma-Informed Interventions and the Role of a School-Based Occupational Therapist

Academic Mentor: Simone Gill

Maggie Carter

Title: Facilitating Engagement in Virtual Social Participation for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Academic Mentor: Robin Newman


Hayley McConnell

Title: Outcome Measures for Assistive Technology Use among Individuals with Neurological Conditions

Academic Mentor: Simone Gill

Jillian Fernandez

Title: Combating Cancer-related Fatigue (CRF): Creation of a Self- Management Education Program

Academic Mentor: Robin Newman


Brad Urban

Title: Learning Together: Appraisal of Developmental Education and Delivery Guide for Parents with a History of Opioid Use

Academic Mentor: Leanne Yinusa-Nyahkoon

Sharon Kurian

Title: A Meaning-Making, Occupation-Based Approach to Promote Occupational Engagement and Quality of Life in Adults Living with Life-Threatening Illness

Academic Mentor: Robin Newman


Melissa Braun

Title: Empower Parents to Improve Child Development: An Online Education Resource for Parents with a History of Opioid Use

Academic Mentor: Leanne Yinusa-Nyahkoon

Andrea Rybicki

Title: “You Have The Power”: Empowering Older Adults to Engage in Fall Prevention Behaviors through Video Based Education

Academic Mentor: Robin Newman

2:40 – 2:55PM

Mikayla Conway

Title: Neurodevelopmental Treatment for Children with Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy: Clinical Guidelines for Occupational Therapists

Academic Mentor: Leanne Yinusa-Nyahkoon

Cara Kubinak

Title: Creating Continuing Education Courses to Optimize Home Safety and Independence Among Older Adults with Low Vision

Academic Mentor: Sue Berger




Closing Remarks

Zoom link

Meeting ID: 955 5958 4789

Password: 780098


Keynote Speaker: Ellen S. Cohn, ScD, OT, OTR, FAOTA “Occupational Therapy That Matters”


Presentation of Awards
AOTA Alumni Award
Sargent Graduate Leadership Award Florence Hunter Award


Lead the Way Celebration


If the Zoom links in the schedule are not working, please use the links below:


  1. Zoom Room 1: https://bostonu.zoom.us/j/95630537319?pwd=Mi8yS3B6bS96VXRVTmtqS3F6NFJKdz09
  2. Zoom Room 2: https://bostonu.zoom.us/j/6464505345?pwd=Smp6czVRQ1gxMUFUbWxVellZQzVS UT09


  1. Zoom Room 1: https://bostonu.zoom.us/j/3708878717?pwd=Z2VzbEMyWlBpZHhWcmg1OWUxZXFOdz09
  2. Zoom Room 2: https://bostonu.zoom.us/j/2137546320?pwd=ZjdocW1CaE1sTGh4UTkveGFlRnJrdz 09

