Sargent Room Reservations

Please use the links below to see the availability of proprietary rooms in Sargent. A form to request a room can be found at the bottom of each page. Please be specific when describing your meeting purpose and include associated course numbers.

For Registrar’s classrooms SAR 101, 102, 104, and 300:

  • Room requests associated with scheduled university classes as well as non-class events should be directed to
  • Room requests associated with student organizations should be directed to SAO.

Please note: Requests should be made at least one week in advance to ensure adequate time for processing.

If you need to cancel a conference room booking, please submit a cancellation request.

Conference Rooms

  • 200 (Alumni Conference Room): 14–18 seats
  • 257 (Gayle R. Berg Conference Room):10 seats
  • 417: 12-16 seats
  • 534: 16 seats

Classrooms (only those scheduled by Sargent)

  • 220: 32 seats
  • 236: 24 seats

Note special rules for rooms 220 and 236:

  • No food or drink (except water) is permitted in these rooms.
  • Room use will be prioritized based on class and/or instruction needs corresponding to room attributes.
  • Not available for TA office hours or non-academic related meetings.
  • Room technology training with MSC staff should be scheduled in advance of the class.
  • Meetings requiring videoconferencing will be given priority over other types of meetings.
  • Furniture in the room may be rearranged and reconfigured, but remember to return the room to its original layout when you are done. Furniture cannot be taken from these rooms without permission. For questions or concerns, contact




  • 610: 30 seats
  • 444*: 20 seats

Simulation Lab

In order to reserve the Sim Lab rooms,

    1. Check the calendars and request your time by using the form at the bottom of this page.
    2. If you would like to borrow equipment from the Sim Lab, please fill out this form.

Please note: The simulation lab is exclusively reserved for simulation-related activities. Any inquiries or requests regarding non-simulation activities should be directed to If you’re seeking approval for the use of simulation lab space for non-simulation purposes, kindly refrain from completing the form and instead, reach out directly to

    SLHS Clinicfor SLHS use only

    • 634
    • 638
    • 639
    • 640
    • 643
    • 644

    Open Spaces/Lounges

    • Sargent Lobby, (1st floor)
    • Setterberg Lounge (2nd floor, available weekdays after 5:00 p.m. only)
    • Undergraduate Lounge (3rd floor, 340)

    Sargent College Parking Spaces Restricted. Please request view access via
    Zoom Meetings

    Contact with questions.