Code Repositories
This list of code repositories is a work-in-progress; as we work to profile more of the Collaboratory projects, this list will grow.
Caching for Datacenters and Data Lakes
The Datacenter-scale Data Delivery Network (D3N) project aims to improve application performance and reduce demand on storage systems and data center networks.
ChRIS Research Integration Service
ChRIS uses Docker/containers, Kubernetes/OpenShift, and a set of other technologies to standardize healthcare application development.
Hardware Isolation Layer (HIL)
HIL provides a low-level service in the datacenter for services to allocate nodes and attach them to networks.
Malleable Metal as a Service (M2)
M2 enables us to re-purpose nodes to a project, and then re-purpose them to the original project, by pointing the node to the original image, avoiding all software customization.
UKL – Linux Unikernel
A Linux-based unikernel with a goal of upstream acceptance and minimal codebase changes.
Are you a Collaboratory contributor and don’t see your project’s code repository listed here? Please contact us and we’d be happy to work with you to get it listed here.