Admissions Criteria
Admissions to GPN are handled through the GPN Graduate Education Steering Committee. Each member represents the GPN training faculty within their departmental units as well as an area of neuroscience research at Boston University.
Interview consideration is based on the following:
- (Of greatest importance) Previous research experience and letters of recommendation
- Personal statement of motivation, accomplishments, career goals, and reason for PhD study
- Interest from GPN training faculty (if you are a student, please reach out to faculty members for whom you have the greatest interest after submitting your application)
- Academic performance as measured by GPA and from letters of recommendation
- Availability of research laboratories of interest to the applicant
Criteria for offer of admissions:
- Faculty and student impressions from the applicant interviews and visit to the campus
- Student match for the program and its mission
- Identification of laboratories for entering student rotations