Welcome to our collections! The great majority of education collections at Boston University are available electronically, and we have wonderful print collections as well. We also welcome all suggestions for new print or electronic resources.
Our staff work periodically to create several displays in our space, so as to highlight NEW BOOKS, and unique or important Pickering Library items.
Electronic Collections
- Databases – Important databases to search for topics include the BU Libraries Search, Google Scholar, Social Sciences Citation Index, Education Full Text, ERIC, PsycInfo, and more.
- eBooks – We offer access to literally millions of eBooks through regular purchasing and also through memberships in organizations like the HathiTrust, which you can find through BU Libraries Search.
- eJournals – Our journal collections are also growing and currently number in the tens of thousands.
Please follow our news feed for important updates. Also, check out the Education Portal or our list of subject guides for more resources by topic.
Print Collections
The Education collections in physical format at Boston University reside primarily at the Pickering Educational Resources Library.
- Books on educational research and theory
- Books and journals on teaching practices
- Educational assessments, tests, and measures
- Books for children and young adults
- Books and DVDs on Sustainability
- Reference books in specialty areas
- Pre-K-12 kits and manipulatives
For more information on what materials are collected please see our Education collection development policy.