Research today is a very complicated subject. We are living in the information age, and more and more is being made available online each day. However, some tried and true methods of organization, search and evaluation remain important. Contact us by calling (617) 353-3734 or visit the library for research assistance.
The great majority of education collections at Boston University are available electronically. Print books and eBooks, print journals and eJournals, online articles and even databases – find them all at once through our BU Libraries Search. We offer access to literally millions of eBooks and tens of thousands of eJournals. Our physical collections include award-winning young adult titles and picture books for young children. Please read on for more about our collections.
Pickering Educational Resources Library provides research instruction for classes, groups and individuals. The sessions usually are held in the regular class room as digital materials are highlighted, but sessions can be held elsewhere. Additionally, we offer occasional open workshops and webinars on tools like RefWorks or specific databases.
For the discovery of literature on education, our BU Libraries Search is the first place to go. Another substantial source is Google Scholar, and other much smaller databases such as Education Full Text and PsycInfo also remain very important. If you know a database by name, you can find it quickly through our Search. You can also find extensive search tips on our site. Please read on for more about Education databases.
For a more extensive list of resources, including important web sites to the field of education, see our subject guides on various topics. Also available are course guides for some classes.