Call Number Locations
This chart is for locations within Mugar. Please make sure to note the Library as well as the call number when looking for a book.
Call Numbers
Those marked with (N) are accessible by the North Elevator or stairs only.
Those marked with (S) are accessible by the South Elevator or stairs only.
*These materials are retrieved by
Library staff by provided call number. |
Locations within Mugar
- African Studies –6th floor (N)
- Fuller Storage* –Circulation –1st floor
- Mugar Folio –2nd floor
- Mugar Micro –Basement (S)
- Mugar Multi-Media* –Music –2nd floor
- Mugar Oversize* –Circulation –1st floor
- Mugar Reference –1st floor
- Mugar Storage* –Circulation –1st floor
- Music Library –2nd floor
- Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center –5th floor
Located on the 6th floor (African Studies)