The Center supports faculty publications and accepts applications for publication subventions throughout the year on a rolling basis. Faculty may apply for funds to support production costs after a peer-reviewed publication with direct relevance to the humanities has been accepted for publication. Application available via InfoReady Review.
Please visit the Project Awards FAQ page for more information.
Please visit the Past Project Awards page to view publications funded in past application cycles.
Eligibility Guidelines
Faculty must apply for funds to support production costs before the publication has gone to press.
The Center is unable to reimburse expenses that have already been paid out.
You must apply well in advance of your book’s publication, so that the Center can be mentioned as a sponsor in your book’s acknowledgments.
Please note that single-author monographs are strongly preferred to edited volumes.
If you receive an award, please be prepared to send a digital photograph of your book jacket and a link to your publisher’s website where your book is advertised. We will use these materials on our website or in our annual report and to help with publicity.
Allowable Expenses
Allowable expenses include indexing, subventions, permissions, and images.
Proofreading and copy editing are not allowable expenses.
Again, please apply to BUCH before making any payments for which you are requesting BUCH funding. We are unable to reimburse expenses for which you have already paid.
Application Components
We ask that all documents be submitted via the InfoReady Review portal. You can save your application and return to it at any point before submitting. There are no deadlines for this award. This application includes:
- Publication title
- Publication abstract, including timeframe for publication
- A budget for funds requested
- A letter from the press stating that your manuscript has been accepted for publication
- A letter of support from your department chair
Preferred browser is Chrome. Please do not use Safari.
Application available via InfoReady Review.