Steffen Murau
Postdoctoral Fellow
- Education
- Ph.D., City, University of London
- Office
- 53 Bay State Road
- smurau@bu.edu
Steffen Murau is a Post-Doctoral Fellow at GEGI. He carries out a research project on the transformation of the Eurozone architecture, funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. In addition, he has postdoctoral affiliations with the Political Economy Research Centre (CITYPERC) at City, University of London, and Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS), Potsdam. In the academic year 2017-18, he was a postdoctoral fellow at Weatherhead Center for International Affairs of Harvard University. He holds a PhD in International Political Economy from City, University of London (2017); a Magister Artium in political science, philosophy and international law from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) München (2012); and a Bachelor of Science in economics from LMU München (2011).