Outdoor Programs

Whether it is an outdoor skills workshop, a local New England hike, a paddle around Boston, or a multi-day backpacking trip in the White Mountains, BU Outdoor Programs has something for everyone. For additional information on outdoor trips, climbing wall programming or sailing on the Charles, explore our offerings below, or email buop@bu.edu. Don’t miss out on your next big adventure.

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Honestly, even after four years at BU, this weekend was one of my favorite memories of my college experience –

I feel extremely lucky to have had the opportunity to get out of the city & completely remove myself from academic stress in a beautiful place. Having a weekend so focused on physical effort rather than mental effort was great for my mental health and made me feel so much more prepared to tackle my coursework when I got back to campus. It also feels unique that I was able to do this with a  very diverse group of students – I didn’t know anyone going in, and it was great to be with both graduate and undergraduate students studying all different things. I haven’t had an experience like this that brings together people from all over BU and allows us to share a great experience together.  Again, I would not have been able to do this without the gear, knowledge, and transportation that BU Outdoor Programs provided, and I’m so grateful I could. I’ve already recommended this program to so many people and I will keep recommending it! If every BU student was able to do a program through BU Outdoor Programs, we would be a way happier, more connected, and more resilient student body – I wish everyone could experience this.


- Trip feedback from participant, Bella Spring 2023

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