Undergraduate First-Year Students
Use this planning calculator to estimate your expenses, resources, and net costs to you and your family. Actual amounts may vary from your projections. The calculator is designed to help you plan for one academic year. We encourage you to use it for that purpose and to project forward and develop a multi-year plan; a plan that will sustain your enrollment through the completion of your degree program. Learn more at Your Plan for Managing BU Expenses.
BU tuition and fees listed below are for 2024/2025, unless otherwise indicated.
Housing and Food (We display the standard rate here, but your actual rate will depend on your room assignment and meal plan selection. More on rates is at https://www.bu.edu/housing/living/rates/2024-25-academic-year-rates/.)
*Health insurance is required for all full-time, three-quarter-time, and international students, unless they already have comparable coverage and qualify for a waiver of this requirement.
**Earnings from student employment, including Federal Work-Study, cannot be used as a credit against a balance on your student account. However, they may be an effective source of funding for you to use to pay for other non-billed expenses that arise throughout the year.
*** Annual maximum Direct Loan amounts for dependent students are $5,500 – First-year, $6,500 – Sophomore, $7,500 – Junior, $7,500 – Senior. For independent students the annual maximum limits are $9,500 – First-year, $10,500 – Sophomore, $12,500 – Junior, $12,500 – Senior. However, the amount that will be disbursed to you and is listed in the drop-down above is the annual loan amount minus the federal origination fee.