Guest Speaker Proposals (BU Faculty Only)
Guest Speaker Proposals
The Center for the Study of Europe invites guest speaker proposals from our affiliated faculty. Faculty members of all ranks may submit proposals. Proposals should promote the understanding of Europe through its cultural heritage; its political, legal, economic, and religious histories; its art, literature, music, and philosophy; and through the laws and policies of the European Union (EU).
Special consideration will be given to proposals that are interdisciplinary in nature, that fit within our current themes (Fall 2020: Structures of Inequality, Spring 2021: Inclusion and Exclusion, Fall 2021: Climate Change, Ongoing: “Reimagining the Market”) and that demonstrate support from other sources.
While the proposed event may coincide with a class, we will only fund events that can be opened to a larger audience.
The Center will provide logistical support for all proposed events.
If you are interested in proposing an event or speaker, please complete our application form.