Chinese Publications
Publications of GDAE in Chinese
张翼飞: 《全球跨境水冲突与解决方案》浙江工业大学, 浙江碳中和创新研究院, 经济学院, 格致出版社, 2020.12
Research on International Cross-border Water Conflict and Solutions. By Yifei Zhang, Zhejiang Carbon Neutrality Innovation Institute, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310014, China.
The Comparative Study of Water Emissions Trading System in Taihu Lake Basin Based on 6 cities’ Research. Yifei Zhang, Junye liu, Lei Zhang, Chinese Environment Management. 2017, 9(1):33-40.
张翼飞专稿: 碳市场:启动生态要素市场化配置、推进新时期生态文明建设
“Green Draft: China’s carbon market is officially launched” by Zhang Yifei, GDAE Visiting Research Fellow and Director, CCAGT, SUIBE
“Green Draft: The twenty-third conference of the United Nations Framework Convention on climate change”by Zhang Yifei, GDAE Visiting Research Fellow and Director, CCAGT, SUIBE
“China is working on the schedule of forbidding the sale of traditional fuel vehicle, an interview with Zhang Yifei, GDAE Visiting Research Fellow and Director, CCAGT, SUIBE
“Green Keynesianism: Beyond Standard Growth Paradigms” by Jonathan M. Harris, GDAE Working Paper No. 13-02, February, 2013.
没有增长而发展的宏观经济学, 乔纳森 M. 哈里斯
摘要: 作为严肃的话题,已经开始了讨论没有物质原料投入增长而能促进福利
“The Macroeconomics of Development without Throughput Growth”, by Jonathan M. Harris, GDAE Working Paper No. 10-05, September, 2010.
Environmental and Natural Resource Economics:
A Contemporary Approach
由哈里斯.乔纳森(Jonathan Harris)著并由Cengage出版社出版的大学教材《环境与自然资源经济学》一书,把环境问题结合在经济学的教学中。通过使用标准的经济学方法和另外可替代的方法,本教材把理论和现实问题结合在了诸如人口增长、全球气候变化、以及贸易与环境中。
The text Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, written by Dr. Jonathan M. Harris and published by Cengage Publishing, incorporates environmental issues into the teaching of economics. Drawing on both standard and alternative perspectives, the text relates theoretical questions to current issues such as population growth, global climate change, or trade and the environment.
For more information, click here.
These are sample chapters from the textbook. Copyright permission is hereby made available for instructors to use these chapters in classes.
Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 7
第七章 生态经济学:基本概念
Chapter 8
第八章 国民收入与环境核算
Chapter 18
第十八章 全球气候变化
Chapter 20
第二十章 可持续发展的制度
Message to instructor
如果你是一位教师而且需要获得第8章和第18章的问题答案,请发电子邮件至 。邮件请用英文写出你的姓名、职称职务、所在院系和你的联系方式。
纳森.M.哈里斯 (Jonathan M. Harris) 持有哈佛大学学士学位和波士顿大学博士学位,是《经济思想前沿问题》系列丛书中《可持续的人类与经济发展》、《生态经济学、人类福利与经济目标概览》两册的合作编者,以及《可持续性的再思考:权力、知识和制度》的编者。他还是《世界农业与环境》一书的作者,并与安妮玛丽. 乔杜尔(Anne-Marie Codur)博士合写了《微观经济学与宏观经济学中环境教学模块》。哈里斯博士是全球环境与发展研究所高级研究员以及该所理论与教育项目主任。
About the Author
Jonathan M. Harris holds a B.A. from Harvard University and a Ph.D. from Boston University. He is co-editor of the Frontier Issues in Economic Thought volumes Sustainable Human and Economic Development, A Survey of Ecological Economics and Human Well-Being and Economic Goals. He is also editor of Rethinking Sustainability: Power, Knowledge, and Institutions; author of “World Agriculture and the Environment“; and co-author with Dr. Anne-Marie Codur of environmental teaching modules in microeconomics and macroeconomics. He is a Senior Research Associate at GDAE and Program Director for GDAE’s Theory and Education Program.