A Spring Greeting from Dean JCF

The following message was sent to all undergraduate students on Wednesday, January 24, 2024, from Dean Campbell-Foster:


My office isn’t far from the piano in the George Sherman Union Link. It has sat quiet since the end of finals (other than when I tapped a few chords when passing by to make sure it still felt the love) but recently, it has come back to life when you all returned. The warmth and light are back. It’s good to see you all again!

As you get settled in for the first full week of classes, I want to share a few updates and reminders to help you start off on the right foot.

  1. If you haven’t heard the good news yet, the LGBTQIA+ Student Resource Center is officially open! Stop by to hang out with new and old friends, attend events, access resources and learn more about getting involved. Check out the newly renovated space at 808 Commonwealth Avenue, floor 2M!
  2. Winter Weeks of Welcome (WOWW) events are still underway! Student Government has teamed up with the Student Activities Office to bring you a variety of awesome events – some new, and some classics!
  3. Take some time to review the SAFE training modules, produced by BUPD, that offer information to keep you prepared and safe during potential emergencies. Staying safe starts with being in the know.

The spring semester is always one of my favorites here at BU. The weather gets warmer and there are many signature events along the way (Splash! Beanpot! Alternative Spring Break! Marathon Monday!  Commencement!) and ample opportunities to be together with your fellow Terriers. It is easy to get wrapped up in a daily routine and forget to be curious about something new. The good news is that it’s a new year, so let’s start fresh. Take time for yourself and reflect. Involve yourself in the extraordinary. Always seek joy.

If you need someone to cheer you on, don’t hesitate to visit with me.

Take care,

Jason Campbell-Foster, EdD
Dean of Students

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