Experiential Learning for Undergraduate Students

There are many experiential offerings of all shapes and sizes at Boston University, both at the undergraduate and graduate levels.  This directory is a snapshot of examples that may spark creativity for instructors wishing to integrate experiential learning into their courses. The directory will also make it easier to find experienced colleagues who may offer advice and support, to foster cross-university cooperation.

Showcase of Undergraduate Experiential Learning

Center on Forced Displacement: Interdisciplinary Summer School

In 2024, the Center on Forced Displacement offered a two-week intensive course where students from all disciplines and from different universities could explore questions of displacement through weekly journals, lectures, and seminars run by researchers and scholars from partner universities. Experiential learning was also offered through hands-on workshops and site visits and discussions with nonprofit organizations, service providers, policymakers, and government officials.

Read more about the Summer School EL opportunity.

College of Arts and Sciences

The main portal for experiential learning (EL) within the College of Arts & Sciences is the CAS Experiential Learning Connector. From the Connector, you can:

For examples of some specific LE classes, please see below.

College of General Studies

At CGS, all first-year students start their studies in January in Boston, and then either participate in an experiential semester in New England or study abroad with the same cohort of students for an experiential semester during the summer in London.

Cultural excursions to historic sites are part of the experiential learning. For example, students visit Westminster Abbey, take excursions to Bath and Stonehenge, and go on an evening tour of Jack the Ripper’s East End haunts.

Read more about CGS’ London program.

College of Communication

Boston University College of Communication offers several experiential learning opportunities through labs and practicums.

Kilachand Honors College

The Kilachand Experiential Learning Program offers students opportunities to learn outside traditional academic classrooms, that is, to learn by doing and reflecting on the experience of doing. Kilachand students may take advantage of internships, undergraduate research, study abroad, and other experiential learning programs at Boston University in addition to unique opportunities supported by Kilachand. 

The Kilachand Internship Program (KIP) provides funding to support a number of Kilachand students each year who identify or design a project with an organization focused on social justice work, as defined by the student. KIP provides living allowance stipends for unpaid, nonprofit internships, as well as mentorship and an educational framework to support and strengthen the internship experience. Read about student Isaac Killilea’s experience with KIP.


MetroBridge is the experiential learning program of the Boston University Initiative on Cities (IOC). The program seeks to embed real-world projects for municipalities and community organizations into courses at BU, provide research support to communities, and to provide students with hands-on learning experiences. Projects address urban challenges such as racial equity, sustainability, public health, social services, and civic engagement.  The IOC also has a fellowship and internship program focused on municipal governments.

MetroBridge embeds real-world research projects for cities, towns, and community organizations into classes at Boston University, addressing pressing urban challenges and creating experiential learning opportunities. Students will have the opportunity to gain applied skills through impactful, project-based research.

Read more about current MetroBridge courses.

School of Hospitality

Undergraduate Work Experience in Hospitality

Contact:  Associate Professor of the Practice Leora Lanz

Read more about SHA’s EL opportunities

School of Hospitality undergraduate and graduate students are required to have real-world experiences in the hospitality industry during their programs.  Students typically complete this requirement during the summer.

Length: 300 hours

Credits: None

Who do the students work with? SHA’s various hospitality partners, including hotels and restaurants.

Wheelock College of Education and Human Development

Wheelock College has many opportunities for experiential learning and more formal educational field placements. More information can be found below:

      This resource is part of the Bridge Builders Experiential Learning Toolkit and was contributed by Sheila Cordner (Senior Lecturer, Humanities, College of General Studies), Liling Huang (Senior Lecturer in Chinese, World Languages & Literatures, College of Arts & Sciences), and Sean Kealy (Clinical Associate Professor of Law, Clinical & Experiential Programs, School of Law).

      The Bridge Builders Experiential Learning Program (2022-2024) was jointly sponsored by the MetroBridge Program within the Initiative on Cities and the Center for Teaching & Learning and supported with funding from the Davis Educational Foundation. Read more about the Bridge Builders Program

      Last updated April 1, 2024