CAS Experiential Learning Connector

Looking for ways to put your Arts & Sciences education into action? Connect to experiential learning (EL) today.

EL is the process of learning by doing. It happens when you apply the information and skills from your classes to real-world situations. It’s where you can lean into your interests, find your passions, step outside your comfort zone, and build your confidence by engaging in new environments and developing transferable skills. EL also empowers you to discover what matters – to you, to your community, to society at large. 

Arts & Sciences students have access to countless types of EL opportunities —from day-long service-learning projects to semesters abroad to full-year research programs or internships. The CAS Experiential Learning Connector is a resource to find and access the EL possibilities available to you at BU. 

  • Search by interest area or skill for EL courses and EL opportunities on our website
  • Book a 1:1 consultation with an EL Ambassador, who will help you explore ways to engage effectively in EL 
  • Learn how to reflect on your EL experiences and apply your discoveries to future educational and professional decisions
  • Connect with other students interested in EL and create communities of support 

Ready to explore, reflect, and connect? Stop by our office in CAS 109 or make an appointment online!

Get Involved in EL

Types of EL

EL happens every day at BU, and there are many different ways to engage. Browse our website or book a 1:1 consultation to explore EL opportunities in the following areas: service learning; student employment; study away/abroad; mentored research; internships; fieldwork; team-based projects; leadership in student organizations.


Connector Programs

Benefits of EL

Through EL, you will build teamwork skills, improve communication, practice decision-making, and make connections to peers, mentors and prospective employers. But in the College of Arts & Sciences, we believe that the most important aspect of EL is the opportunity it gives you to pursue your interests and create real-world impact.