Joshua Paul Receives Postdoctoral Fellowship!
Joshua Paul, who successfully defended his dissertation in March 2023, has won a two-year postdoctoral fellowship in Latin language, literature, and culture at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario. At Queen’s University, Josh will teach two courses next year (‘Greek & Roman Drama’ and ‘Latin Poetry’), while also revising his dissertation into his first book. Josh’s […]
James Aglio Receives Fellowship for the American School of Classical Studies in Athens
The Classical Studies Department would like to extend a great congratulations to graduate student James Aglio as he has received the Ostwald Martin Fellowship at the American School of Classical Studies in Athens for the 2023-2024 year. Join us in wishing James a great time in Athens!
Joshua Paul, fifth-year graduate student, wins prestigious BUCH Dissertation Fellowship
The Classical Studies department congratulates fifth-year graduate student, Joshua Paul, who has won a prestigious Dissertation Fellowship from the Boston University Center for the Humanities (BUCH)! Josh’s PhD dissertation focuses on visions of the afterlife in Latin love elegy. As Josh shows, the Augustan elegists developed their own vision of life after death, as part […]
“Gods and Heroes: Western Arts and the Classical Tradition” at Beijing University
A fabulous exhibition called “Gods and Heroes: Western Arts and the Classical Tradition” is showing at Beijing University’s Arther M Sackler Museum of Art and Archaeology from Nov. 2015 to Jun. 2016. Beijing University is the most prestigious university in China where now the most gifted Chinese students aspire to learn more about the classical […]
Graduation 2015 Pictures
Enjoy some pictures from the Classical Studies Department’s 2015 Graduation. Congrats! Photos courtesy of Commencement Photos, Inc. of Tewksbury, MA
Newsletter Available!
The Newsletter has been published on our website. Check out what the faculty, graduates students, and alumni have been up to this year. A special thank you to everyone who contributed. The Newsletter can be found here.
Becky Wysocki, graduate student, receives GRS Summer Research Fellowship
Congratulations to graduate student Becky Wysocki who has received a 2014 Summer Research Fellowship from GRS. The Fellowship is a non-service stipend to allow advanced PhD students spend the summer pursuing research.
Dustin Dixon, graduate student, wins Dissertation Fellowship
Congratulations to graduate student Dustin Dixon, who has won one of the first-ever Graduate Dissertation Fellowships from the BU Center for the Humanities!
Colin Pang, graduate student, wins Humanities Award
A big congratulations to our graduate student Colin Pang, who won the Humanities Award at Scholars Day, a celebration of graduate research at BU!
Graduate Students at CANE
Four of our graduate students will present papers at CANE (Classical Association of New England) Annual Meeting, St. Anselm College, Manchester, New Hampshire March 7-8, 2014 March 7 Paper Session II (10:10-11:25) Amanda Jarvis, “Visual Perception and the Graspable Image in Ovid” Karen Mower, “Circe’s Understanding of Rape Victims in Ovid” March 8 Paper Session […]