Helpful Links

The following links have been selected to help you learn more about mental health, practice some skills on your own, and/or learn about organizations that we use to stay connected with top evidence-based treatments for mental health.

Adults and All Ages

Information from the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT)
Learn about symptoms and treatment options, see videos and podcasts, and learn about some of the issues we are addressing in mental health research.

Information from the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA)
Read blog posts for navigating mental health, find a therapist, or learn about anxiety and depression symptoms.

Division 12 List of Research-Supported Psychological Treatments
Learn about which mental health treatments are backed by research.

The TLC Foundation for Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors
Learn about body-focused repetitive behaviors (skin picking, hair pulling, nail biting, etc.), shop for fidget toys, and connect with other stories from people who have BFRBs. Includes resources for teens, young adults, parents, and family.

CARD Video Resources
Get self-care tips and hear interviews from our CARD clinicians.

Workshop on Managing Workplace Anxiety and Stress on a Repopulated Campus

Learn evidence-based strategies for managing anxiety and stress from our CARD Clinicians

Child & Adolescent Links

Parent-Child Interaction Therapy International
This website is dedicated to helping parents understand parent-child interaction therapy. Find information about what the treatment is and find links to more parenting resources.

Effective Child Therapy (From the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology)
Find information about evidence-based treatments for child and adolescent mental health, helpful videos and assessment tools, and more.

Selective Mutism Association
Learn about selective mutism, find resources like children’s books, and learn about what treatment is like.