28th Annual Graduate Student Conference in African Studies

The 28th Annual
Boston University Graduate Student Conference in African Studies

Boston, MA | Saturday, March 28, 2020

Call for Papers

The Boston University African Studies Center graduate conference committee is issuing a call for papers for the 28th Annual Boston University Graduate Conference in African Studies. This year’s conference will be a regional conference in the greater Boston area.  The committee invites local African and African-American studies scholars to discuss contemporary issues in the field. The conference incorporates both roundtable discussions and traditional paper presentations. We invite graduate students to submit abstracts for papers, presentations, or performances.

We welcome submissions from any disciplinary, interdisciplinary, or undisciplined perspective, and particularly encourage the participation of scholars of underrepresented backgrounds and identities. We further welcome proposals that engage with experimental or exploratory modes of (re)presentation and practice.  Concerning proposals for roundtables, we ask for 10-minute paper proposals.

Submission Requirements

Please submit an abstract (no more than 300 words in .pdf or .doc format containing no references) to buascgsconf2020@gmail.com  by Friday, February 15th, 2020. Please note that the abstract should outline 1) a presentation of twenty minutes to be followed by a ten minutes of questions and discussion OR 2) a presentation of 10 minutes to be followed by 5 minutes of discussion. Within your submission e-mail, but separate from your abstract, please provide the name of your affiliated institution (if applicable), your name as you would like to have it appear on the program, A/V requirements, and your preferred email address.


Submission Deadline: Friday, February 15th, 2020

Lodging, Transportation, and Entertainment suggestions are in our map below.

Read more about the origins of the Annual Graduate Conference in African Studies at BU


The African Studies Center is located on the 4th and 5th floors at 232 Bay State Road. A small elevator is available in the lobby. Offices for the African studies administration, African language faculty, core Africa studies faculty, publications unit, a graduate student lounge, and the William O. Brown Seminar Room can be found on the fifth floor. On the 4th floor find the Teaching Africa Library, the African studies outreach unit, and the West African Research Association.