BS in Sociology

The Bachelor of Science (BS) in Sociology program, part of the Department of Applied Social Sciences, develops strong analytic skills and a broad knowledge of human relations and social systems. The discipline provides useful tools for a variety of careers in law, business, social work, criminal justice, and policy impact analysis, among others. For example, pre-law students may wish to take courses in the sociology of law, criminology and criminal justice, and deviance and social control. Students pursuing careers in business may wish to take courses in the sociology of work, business and society, formal organizations, technology, and law.

Learning Outcomes

  • Knowledge of core sociological theories and theoretical perspectives consistent with established disciplinary standards for undergraduate majors and minors in sociology.
  • Proficiency in sociological research methods and forms of inquiry that yield results appropriate for quantitative and qualitative data analysis.
  • Familiarity with core themes, concepts, and empirical research in two topical areas of specialization within sociology (e.g., the sociology of work and occupations).
  • Proficiency in identifying and conducting literature reviews of valid sources of scholarly research, knowledge, and information.
  • Effectiveness in written and oral communication consistent with standard academic styles and formats (e.g., research paper using APA style guide; oral presentation of research project).

Note: Students wishing to pursue a Sociology degree program may have to cross-register and take upper-level sociology and/or related courses in the College of Arts & Sciences at day tuition rates.

Admissions Information

For current admissions information, please visit the Metropolitan College website.

Degree Requirements

Candidates for the bachelor’s degree at Metropolitan College are required to complete a minimum of 32 courses (128 units), including Hub requirements, major requirements, related courses, and electives.

Hub Requirements

All BU undergraduate students, including transfer students, will pursue coursework in the BU Hub, the University’s general education program that is integrated into the entire undergraduate experience. BU Hub requirements can be satisfied in a number of ways, including coursework in and beyond the major as well as through cocurricular activities. Students majoring in Sociology will ordinarily satisfy BU Hub requirements in Quantitative Reasoning II, and, additionally, students taking MET SO 300 will satisfy BU Hub requirements in Social Inquiry I, Critical Thinking, and Research and Information Literacy.

Major and Related Courses

A total of 14 courses (56 units), completed with a grade of C or higher, is required.

Required Courses

Choose 10 courses (40 units), which must include the following:

  • MET MA 113 Elementary Statistics
  • MET SO 100 Principles of Sociology
  • MET SO 201 Sociological Methods (offered alternate terms)
  • MET SO 203 Sociological Theories (offered alternate terms)

Plus six additional sociology courses, four of which must be at the 300 level or above.

Related Courses

Choose four courses (16 units) at the 200 level or above in anthropology, criminal justice, economics, history, political science, psychology, and urban affairs.


Electives are chosen with the advice of an academic counselor. The number of electives varies depending on transfer units.