Minor in Computer Engineering

A minor in Computer Engineering is earned through completion of 20 units. Twelve units must be unique to the minor and may not count toward the fulfillment of majors or additional minors. No more than 8 units can be used to satisfy the student’s major degree program requirements.

Minor Requirements

  • Five courses (20 units) selected from the list below.
  • Students are expected to obtain the necessary background (prerequisites or equivalents) to complete chosen courses in the minor program.
  • A minimum 2.00 GPA is required in the courses used to satisfy the minor, with no grade less than a C–.

Students must have a declared major on record in order to apply for the minor in Computer Engineering, and applications must be approved by the Associate Chair of Electrical & Computer Engineering Undergraduate Programs. Students planning to pursue the minor should apply as early as possible to facilitate course planning and in no case later than May 1 of the junior year.

The following courses may be used to satisfy the requirements of the CE minor:

Please reference the list of duplicate classes when planning your minor.

To apply for the minor, visit the minor in Computer Engineering page on the College of Engineering website.