The Development of Sustainable Environmental Responsibility

CAS EE 522

  • Creativity/Innovation
  • Historical Consciousness
  • The Individual in Community

In-depth look at environmental policy and decision-making: how society addresses environmental problems. Includes discussion of the environmental movement, law, science, technology, economics, and international relations. Examines new issues facing environmental professionals and approaches to creating a sustainable world. Effective Spring 2021, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: The Individual in Community, Historical Consciousness, Creativity/Innovation.

SPRG 2025 Schedule

Section Instructor Location Schedule Notes
A1 Reibstein CDS 363 W 2:30 pm-5:15 pm

Note that this information may change at any time. Please visit the MyBU Student Portal for the most up-to-date course information.