Multivariate Analysis for Geographers
CAS EE 516
Undergraduate Prerequisites: GE/EE 270 or MA 214 or equivalent, and GE/EE 375, or consent of instructor. - Applications of multivariate techniques to problems in spatial context, emphasizing interpretation. Review of regression and analysis of variance. Introduction to topics including canonical correlation, factor analysis, discriminant and clustering analyses.
FALL 2024 Schedule
Section | Instructor | Location | Schedule | Notes |
A1 | Friedl | CAS 223 | MF 12:20 pm-2:05 pm | PhD and RSGS MS students only |
FALL 2024 Schedule
Section | Instructor | Location | Schedule | Notes |
A2 | Baldwin | CAS 435 | MF 12:20 pm-2:05 pm |
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