Under certain circumstances, you could receive a standard warning message from Exchange. For example, you could see a message that a virus has been detected in a message you are receiving.

Unfortunately, it’s possible to mistake these messages for spam. However, you can distinguish these as real messages because they are strictly informative and don’t request any information from you. It is not necessary to report warning messages, but we are happy to help with any associated questions you might have.

Virus warnings

Warnings are also sent when a virus is detected in a message that was sent to you. A sample of what the warning message will typically look like is provided below. The message was blocked so, when you receive the warning, it does not mean that your computer has a virus. However, it’s always best practice to make sure you are computing safely.

Microsoft Forefront Protection for Exchange Server has detected a virus.

Virus name:  “generic/DLoader.ATMHG”
File name:  “14153.doc”
State:  “Removed”
Subject line:  “INVOICE 224245 from Power EC Ltd”

Scan job:  “Transport”
Location:  “Boston University//IST-EX10HUB-2 (SMTP Messages)”